Is there parking at the Anvil Basingstoke?

Parking: The nearest car park is The Malls (Alencon Link). As you enter the car park, keep to the right hand lanes. The stairs/lift will take you to The Malls shopping centre. Follow signs to The Anvil.

Is parking free in Basingstoke?

In all Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council town centre car parks, charges apply 24 hours a day Monday to Sunday. There is no charge payable in any of the car parks on Bank Holidays….Short stay car parks.

Time Duration of stay Charges
Monday to Sunday Evening/overnight 7pm to 8am Per visit £2.20

How big is the Anvil Basingstoke?

We are an independent charitable trust that operates three fantastic cultural venues in Basingstoke. The Anvil, which seats up to 1,400, is renowned as one of the top 5 concert halls in country. Within the same building is The Forge – an intimate 95-seat studio theatre.

How much is park and ride in Basingstoke?

Parking is FREE, so there is no need to display a ticket in your car. Simply park your car in the designated Park & Ride area and catch the Centre Shuttle at the main Leisure Park bus stop. Parking is FREE, so there is no need to display a ticket in your car.

Why are anvils shaped like that?

Anvils are shaped the way they are because each part of the anvil has a specific purpose. The face is flat for hammering. The hardy and pritchel holes are hollow to punch holes into metal. The step is edged for cutting metal.

Who uses an anvil?

The one-off handmade products of the blacksmith are less economically viable in the modern world, while in the past they were an absolute necessity. However, anvils are still used by blacksmiths and metal workers of all kinds in producing custom work. They are also essential to the work done by farriers.

What is an anvil worth?

You used to be able to buy an anvil for $1 or $2 per pound, but those days are largely gone. Now a more common price is between $3 and $6 per pound for a quality anvil. There’s a number of factors for that including a resurgence in the popularity of blacksmithing as a hobby, but mostly because of collectors.

What do the numbers on an anvil mean?

English anvils were often marked in hundredweight, the marking consisting of three numbers, indicating hundredweight, quarter hundredweight and pounds. For example, a 3-1-5, if such an anvil existed, would be 3×112 lb + 1×28 lb + 5 lb = 369 lb ≈ 168 kg.

What is classed as long stay parking?

Long stay parking rates are calculated in periods of 24 hours, as opposed to short stay parking which is calculated hourly. For this reason, long stay car parks work out cheaper if you are leaving your car for a prolonged period of time. Long Stay Airport car parks often have a minimum stay of around 3 days.