What is the grossest sounding word?

The top 10 grossest words in the English language

  • Seepage – 8,799 votes.
  • Moist – 8,234 votes.
  • Splooge – 7,893 votes.
  • Fester – 7,223 votes.
  • Mucus – 7,083 votes.
  • Ooze – 6,990 votes.
  • Putrid – 6,912 votes.
  • Curd – 6,344 votes.

What’s the nastiest word in the English language?

Tens of thousands of people have voted on the grossest word in the English language — with “pus” taking the top spot. The icky word — defined as “a thick yellowish or greenish liquid produced in infected tissue” — received a whopping 9,799 votes in the poll, which was conducted by the online language platform Preply.

What words do people find disgusting?


  • abhorrent,
  • abominable,
  • appalling,
  • awful,
  • distasteful,
  • dreadful,
  • evil,
  • foul,

What are the worst words to say?

The 10 Worst Words in the English Language

  • Fester.
  • Puce.
  • Squelch.
  • February.
  • Pustule.
  • Bosom. No one says “bosom” anymore, not really, so at least we’re doing something right as a society.
  • Often. I pronounce the T in “often” and I know people hate me for it, but I can’t stop.
  • Isthmus. No.

What are the top 10 grossest words?

What is the most hated word in the English language?

According to Marist Poll Results, the word “whatever” consistently scores as the most annoying word in the English language. People of all ages and backgrounds use the word.

What is the new words in English?

List of 100 new English words and meanings

New English Word Meaning
slow-walk To delay or prevent the progress of (something) by acting in a deliberately slow manner
social distancing The action of practice of maintaining a specified physical distance from other people, or of limiting access to and contact between people

How many 5 words are in the English language?

As it turns out, the number varies widely. The Free Dictionary lists more than 158,000 words with five letters. The the Official Scrabble Dictionary (which allows some pretty obscure five-letter words), puts the number at about 9,000.