How do I pay a ticket in Jonesboro?

Payment Options

  1. In person during business hours, Mon-Fri, with cash or credit card.
  2. Online (govt windows link)
  3. Phone: 1-877-915-0059.
  4. Mail money order to the address above please reference your name and citation number on check. Make payable to: City of Jonesboro Municipal Court.

Are Clayton County GA courts open?

The Front Doors entering the Atrium at the Harold R. Banke Justice Center will only be open for entry to the public from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding County Holidays.

How do I file a civil suit in Clayton County GA?

The clerk’s office provides forms for filing claims. These forms are available online or at the Clerk’s Office, which is located on the 2nd floor of the Harold R. Banke Justice Center. The telephone number for the Clerk’s Office is (770) 477-3443 and is open from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday.

Can I pay a Georgia traffic ticket online?

Pay Your Fine You can pay your traffic ticket online using the court’s or county’s website. If the court or county does not have a website, you can use the Judicial Council of Georgia’s centralized database to search traffic citations.

Where do I pay a ticket in Jonesboro AR?

410 West Washington Avenue, Jonesboro AR
WANT TO PAY A FINE? Or visit 410 West Washington Avenue, Jonesboro AR 72401. Fines can be paid by Cash, Cashier’s Checks, or money order.

What time does Clayton County Courthouse open?

Hours. Office Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Traffic payments accepted: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.

Does Clayton County have a state court?

Administration. The State Court is composed of five (5) Judges. All are elected by the citizens of Clayton County and serve four (4) year terms.

How much does it cost to file a civil suit in Georgia?

Civil Case Filing Fees

Each additional address and defendant served $ 50.00
Total Fee with one service $260.50
Filing Fees without service $210.50

How do I sue someone in civil court in Georgia?

How do I file a complaint or petition in civil court? You file the complaint or petition with the clerk of court. You generally want to file in the court in the county where the person you are suing lives. Along with the complaint, the court must be told where to serve (give it a copy of it to) the defendant.