Can MinGW be used on Mac?

MinGW is just a fork of GCC that produces Windows binaries. It runs on Linux and Mac just fine if you want to cross-compile Windows binaries from those platforms. On Mac you can install it with brew install mingw-w64 .

Is MinGW available for Linux?

LLVM-MinGW is a toolchain built with Clang, LLD, libc++, targeting i686, x86_64, arm and aarch64 (ARM64), with releases both for running as a cross compiler from Linux and for running on Windows.

How install GCC on mingw32?

Install GCC on Windows First, select mingw-get from your application menu to launch it. To install GCC, click the GCC and G++ package to mark GNU C and C++ compiler for installation. To complete the process, select Apply Changes from the Installation menu in the top-left corner of the mingw-get window.

How do I use MinGW-w64 on Mac?


  1. To install mingw-w64, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal) sudo port install mingw-w64 Copy.
  2. To see what files were installed by mingw-w64, run: port contents mingw-w64 Copy.
  3. To later upgrade mingw-w64, run: sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade mingw-w64 Copy.

Does Mac have C++ compiler?

Xcode. Xcode is a fully-featured C++ compiler for Mac that runs for free. It is very easy to use and it supports several devices, offering great features and essential technology to its users.

What is i686 w64 mingw32?

gcc-mingw-w64-i686 MinGW-w64 provides a development and runtime environment for 32- and 64-bit (x86 and x64) Windows applications using the Windows API and the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc). This package contains the C compiler, supporting cross-compiling to 32-bit MinGW-w64 targets.

What is i686 w64 mingw32 gcc?

Does Macos have gcc compiler?

Done, the gcc version 4.2. 1 is installed on Mac OS X successfully.