Are amounts of money singular or plural?

Nouns such as civics, mathematics, dollars, measles, and news require singular verbs. The news is on at eight. Note: When talking about an amount of money, dollars requires a singular verb; however, when referring to dollars generically, use a plural verb. Twenty dollars buys a pizza.

Is phenomena a singular or plural?

Phenomena has been in occasional use as a singular since the early 18th century, as has the plural phenomenas. Our evidence shows that singular phenomena is primarily a speech form used by poets, critics, and professors, among others, but one that sometimes turns up in edited prose.

Which is plural phenomenon or phenomena?

The plural of phenomenon is phenomena.

Should I use phenomena or phenomenon?

The singular is ‘phenomenon. ‘ The plural is ‘phenomena. ‘ Its meaning hasn’t changed, and you still make it plural like you make Greek words plural.

Is an amount of money grammatically correct?

Either a singular or a plural verb is correct with an amount of money. Thus, both sentences are correct.

Is money countable or not?

Money itself, such as dollars, francs, pesos, and pounds, can be counted. However, the word money is not a countable noun. The word money behaves in the same way as other noncount nouns like water, sand, equipment, air, and luck, and so it has no plural form.

Why is phenomena a plural?

They list the possible plural forms as phenomena (the much more common form) when the meaning is “an observable fact or event” but phenomenons when the meaning is “an exceptional, unusual, or abnormal person, things, or occurrence.”

How do you use phenomena in a sentence?

Phenomena sentence example

  1. The phenomena of the year take place every day in a pond on a small scale.
  2. Dissipation seems largely dependent on meteorological conditions, but the phenomena at different stations vary so much as to suggest that the connexion is largely indirect.

Can we say amounts?

Both are correct. Ex: There is a great amount ( quantity ) of resistance to my Project work. Large amounts ( plural form ) of money was concealed in foreign banks. Ex: The reprint bill amounts to Rs 500.

Is thousand dollars singular or plural?

If the sense is that “one thousand dollars” is a discreet and specific quantity, it takes the singular. “One thousand dollars is the price of the item.” “One thousand dollars is the reward.” When it does not refer to a discreet or specific quantity, it can take the plural.

Is money an uncountable?

Money is an uncountable noun, so use little/much with it. Rupees are countable, so use few/many with them. By the way, you can you a lot of and lots of with both “money” and “rupees”.

Is money much or many?

Much is correct when used with money. For a countable noun, the correct word for a lot of them is many. Some examples: I don’t have much money.

Is the amount of money in the project singular or plural?

Either a singular or a plural verb is correct with an amount of money. Five hundred dollars is invested into the project. (An amount that is refered to as a singular unit) Five hundred dollars are invested into the project. (An amount of money that consists of singular units) Thus, both sentences are correct.

What is the plural of’money’?

The Plural of Money | Merriam-Webster What is the Plural of ‘Money?’ Money is typically a mass noun, which means it gets used with some and not with a, and lacks a plural form.

Is’money’singular or plural?

However, like common mass nouns such as water and sand, there are occasions when money is inflected with a standard plural, like any count noun. It tends to occur when the reference is to discrete sums of money, obtained from a particular source or allocated to a particular cause. There are occasions when ‘money’ is plural.

Which verb is correct with an amount of money?

Either a singular or a plural verb is correct with an amount of money. Five hundred dollars is invested into the project. (An amount that is refered to as a singular unit) Five hundred dollars are invested into the project. (An amount of money that consists of singular units)