What is ATPV rating?

An Arc Thermal Protective Value (ATPV) refers to the maximum incident energy (in calories per centimeter squared) that protective equipment can be exposed to and prevent to onset of a second-degree burn. Ratings are based upon the total weight of the fabric.

What is the definition of ATPV?

What is ATPV, and how is it used in your hazard assessment? Put simply, ATPV—Arc Thermal Performance Value—is the most commonly reported test result of the effectiveness of FR clothing. It measures the amount of incident energy that your FR garment can protect you from before the onset of a 2nd degree burn.

What does 12 Cal cm2 mean?

Calories per Centimeter Squared (cal/cm2): This is a number identifying the amount of energy that can be delivered to a point at a particular distance from an arc flash. Once this value is known, the ATPV rating of the flash clothing required for work at that distance from the potential flash hazard is also known.

What is the difference between HRC 1 and HRC 2?

HRC 1 was the lowest level with a minimum Arc Rating of 4 Cal/cm2 and increased through HRC 2 and HRC 3 up to the highest level, HRC 4 with a minimum Arc Rating of 40 meaning employees falling into this level had the highest exposure to an explosion or arc flash and must therefore where Fire Resistant Garments with the …

Is a higher ATPV rating better?

Neither is better. Basically EBT fabrics are typically more insulative than they are strong and ATPV materials are stronger than they are insulative. Usually EBT indicates the garment is a knit and is more comfortable but essentially no less protective to the user.

What is ATPV for arc Rated clothing?

Arc Thermal Performance Value
ATPV. Stands for Arc Thermal Performance Value, a type of arc rating. Measures the incident energy that results in 50% probability of a 2nd degree burn. When someone refers to an arc rating for their arc flash PPE, they are often referring to the ATPV that a garment has achieved.

Is HRC 2 and Cat 2 the same?

One subtle but important change you will start to see on your Tyndale arc-rated/flame resistant (FR) garments on a rolling basis in the near future is a shift in terminology….HRC to CAT: Look Out for NFPA 70E Labeling Change.

NEW Term: PPE Category (CAT) Former Term: Hazard Risk Category (HRC) Minimum Arc Rating
2 2 8.0
3 3 25.0
4 4 40.0

What is the difference between ATPV and EBT?

Basically, EBT fabrics are typically more insulative than they are strong and ATPV materials are stronger than they are insulative. Usually, EBT indicates the garment is a knit and is more comfortable but essentially no less protective to the user.

Does all FR clothing carry an arc thermal performance value ATPV )?

First, it’s important to understand that the arc rating of a fabric is either an ATPV (Arc Thermal Performance Value) or an Ebt (Energy breakopen threshold)….Understanding Arc Ratings and Calories.

Level Minimum Arc Rating (cal/cm2) Maximum Arc Rating (cal/cm2)
HRC 4 40.0 +

What does HRC 4 mean?

Hazard Risk Category Levels. The chart, based on specific job tasks, ranges from HRC 1 (which is low risk and allows for 100% treated cotton), up to HRC 4 (which is high risk and requires FR clothing with a minimum arc rating of 40).