Who owns ICON property management?

Wes Posthumus –
Wes Posthumus – CEO – ICON Property Management Ltd | LinkedIn.

Who owns ICON golf?

CEO Dennis Colletti
ICON Management Services, Inc. is a golf, tennis, amenity and community association management company that was founded in 2007 by CEO Dennis Colletti.

How do I get a status certificate in Ontario?

How do I get a status certificate? Anyone can order a condo corporation’s status certificate by providing a written request and paying the $100 fee, however this is typically only done when there is a prospective buyer of a resale condo unit.

How long does it take to get a status certificate Ontario?

within 10 days
Persons who request a status certificate should receive it within 10 days after they have applied and paid for it. The request should be made in writing–in order to protect the owner.

How much does a status certificate cost in Ontario?

a $100
The certificate must be given to the prospective buyer within 10 days of the date of the request, and the Condominium Act allows for a $100 fee to be charged for the status certificate. A status certificate contains pertinent information about the individual condominium unit.

What is the purpose of a status certificate?

The purpose of status certificates is to allow potential buyers of condo units to have as much information as possible about their unit as well as the physical and fiscal situation of a building. Certificates also allow prospective owners to find out what the rules are, including whether pets are allowed.

What is a condo reserve fund study?

A reserve fund study is a physical inspection of the condominium’s depreciating property (for example, roof, heating system, entrance doors, etc.) done every 5 years. A reserve fund report is a written document outlining all of the findings from the reserve fund study.

How do you get a certificate of title for a condo?

Requirements for CCT certification

  1. Master Deed.
  2. Declaration of Restriction.
  3. Diagrammatic Floor Plan.
  4. Development Permit.
  5. License to Sell.
  6. Letter of intent requesting for an individual CCT.
  7. Certificate of Registration with the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board.
  8. Duplicate title of the land from the owner.

What is local status certificate?

Local Status Certificate is the proof for the citizen/student is getting any employment in Government / Organization or seat in any Educational Institution/University under local quota where the citizen/student migrated from Telangana state.

What is a good amount for condo reserve fund?

In general, funds need at least $2,000 per unit per year to avoid under funding. An average for a new building might be just $500 per unit per year while older buildings can be as much as $4,000.

How large should a condo reserve fund be?

On average, HOAs should be setting aside 15% to 40% of their total assessments towards Reserves. This percentage holds true for all types of associations. In planned unit developments (PUDs) where each homeowner maintains their own home, the association may only be responsible for a minimal Reserve budget.

WHO issues a condominium certificate of title?

the Land Registration Authority
The Condominium Certificate of Title is a documented proof of a person’s ownership over a condominium unit, and is usually issued by the Land Registration Authority.