What are dress blues called in the Navy?

The Service Dress Blue (SDB) uniform consists of a dark navy blue suit coat and trousers (or optional skirt for women) that are nearly black in color, a white shirt, and a black four-in-hand necktie for men or a neck tab for women. The material is generally wool or a wool blend, depending on the vendor.

Do navy officers wear dress blues?

The dinner dress uniforms of the United States Navy are the most formal and have the most variations. For officers, there are Dinner Dress Blue and Dinner Dress White, Dinner Dress Blue Jacket and Dinner Dress White Jacket, and Formal Dress.

Do female Navy officers wear skirts?

— Female sailors have gained new freedom under changes in the Navy’s dress code that took effect last week. The Navy no longer requires women to wear skirts, even for formal events. They also no longer must pack skirts in the bags they carry to sea. Nor must they carry military-issued handbags.

Can I drink in dress blues in the Navy?

Wear while conducting official business, when business attire is appropriate and participating in social events after normal working hours is not permitted. Consumption of alcohol in the NWUs off-base is not permitted. Consumption of alcohol in the NWUs on base is authorized as promulgated by Regional Commanders.

Do female Marines have to wear skirts?

Sarah Burns, a Marine spokeswoman at the Pentagon, said the survey asks Marines whether they prefer A-line, straight or pencil-style skirts with the service and dress uniforms. Female Marines currently wear A-line skirts with those looks.

Can Navy put hands in pockets?

Navy personnel must present a proud and professional military appearance that will reflect positively on the individual, the Navy and the United States. While in uniform, it is inappropriate and detracts from a professional military appearance for personnel to have their hands in their pockets.

Can Navy wear uniforms off base?

WASHINGTON — The Navy Working Uniform (NWU) is now authorized for wear off-base, during routine stops and at eating establishments during the prescribed workday. In NAVADMIN 188/09, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Adm.

Can I wear my uniform off base?

Wear civilian clothing when off duty. You should not wear your uniform when you are off duty, except for transportation home. Some military assignments have strict rules against wearing a uniform while off duty, especially when stationed overseas.