How many organic farms are in NJ?
How many organic farms are in NJ?
Yes, we are the Garden State! In the USDA’s Certified Organic Survey – 2019 Summary, New Jersey had only 68 of the nation’s 16,585 certified organic farms. We do know that NOFA-NJ has ~870 member organic farms.
What is the most profitable crop in New Jersey?
Blueberries: $79.4M The most valuable crop in New Jersey was blueberries, the official state fruit. The 66.7 million pounds grown in the state sold for $79,463,000.
Do I need a permit or license to sell my homegrown produce in New Jersey?
Department of Agriculture | Licensing and Bonding. All entities that purchase raw milk, fruits, vegetables, live poultry, eggs, hay, grain, or straw from New Jersey producers on credit are required to be licensed and bonded by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.
What is the number one crop in New Jersey?
Sweet corn is one of the state’s most popular crops. Last year 59.5 million pounds of corn worth $17.3 million were harvested from 6,400 acres in New Jersey.
How many farms are in New Jersey?
Official Site of The State of New Jersey While most people associate agriculture with our nation’s heartland, New Jersey is home to more than 9,071 farms covering 715,057 acres of farmland. The state is among the leaders in many forms of agricultural production.
What is NJ the leading producer of?
Nationally, New Jersey is one of the top 10 producers of blueberries, cranberries, peaches, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, apples, spinach, squash, and asparagus.
What crop is NJ known for?
The state’s most valuable fruit crops are blueberries and cranberries. New Jersey is a leading producer. Apples, peaches and strawberries are also important New Jersey crops. Leading field crops are soybeans, corn and wheat.
Does NJ have a cottage law?
New Jersey was the last state to adopt a cottage food law. After many unsuccessful attempts to pass a cottage food law, including many bills and a lawsuit, the health department finally created rules to allow cottage food businesses, which went into effect in October 2021. New Jersey has a good cottage food law.
Can I sell food from home in NJ 2021?
New rules creating a cottage food operator (home baker) permit became effective as of October 4, 2021. New Jersey historically prohibited the sale of home baked goods but has now joined other states in allowing cottage food operations.
What is New Jersey the top producer of?
What is NJ state fruit?
The blueberry, which was first cultivated in Whitesbog, became the official state fruit in 2004. In 2003, fourth graders at Veteran’s Memorial Elementary School in Brick campaigned to make the blueberry the official state fruit.