What does MU Th ur mean?

Mother and Ripley (from Alien) MU/TH/UR 6000, commonly referred to simply as “Mother”, was the artificial intelligence computer mainframe aboard the USCSS Nostromo. Mother operated many of the ship’s background systems, and auto-piloted the vessel while the crew were in hypersleep.

Why is the ship in Alien named Nostromo?

Scott clearly chose the name Nostromo for the ship in Alien as an Easter egg and reference to the book, which itself is named after its main character, an Italian sailor nicknamed Nostromo.

What does Uscss stand for in Alien?

United States Cargo Star Ship
The United States Cargo Star Ship (USCSS) Nostromo (reg. 180286) was owned by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation (The Company) and used as a commercial hauler between Thedus and Earth. In the Alien timeline, it was the first human ship to land on LV-426.

What does the name Nostromo mean?

Nostromo is an Italian expatriate who has risen to his position through his bravery and daring exploits. (“Nostromo” is Italian for “shipmate” or “boatswain”, but the name could also be considered a corruption of the Italian phrase “nostro uomo” or “nostr’uomo”, meaning “our man”).

Who is the Mother of all aliens?

Ellen Ripley
Alien character
Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley in Alien (1979)
First appearance Alien (1979)
Last appearance Alien: Isolation (2014)

What happened to Dallas Alien?

The Director’s Cut reveals that Dallas didn’t die in that air duct where the alien initially attacked him, but rather he was taken back to the Nostromo’s hold to be cocooned and slowly, horrifically turned into an alien egg.

How long was the Nostromo crew asleep?

So the short answer to the question is three weeks.

Why does Weyland Yutani want the Xenomorph?

In short, the usual motivation for Weyland-Yutani’s desire to capture a live Xenomorph revolves around their usefulness as a weapon. Though their motivation is almost always questionable, The Company does feature a couple of more philosophical figures in their corporate murderers row.

Why does Weyland-Yutani want the Xenomorph?

What happened to the Sulaco?

Commissioned in 2169, USS Sulaco was involved in 2171 in a major operation on the planet Linna 349, where it was struck by two ASAT missiles — the only fleet vessel to be damaged while in orbit.