What are the 5 values of PwC?

Our Values and Behaviors

  • Act with integrity.
  • Make a difference.
  • Care.
  • Work together.
  • Reimagine the possible.

What are PwC company values?

PWC core values include “integrity, make a difference, care, work together, and reimagine the possible.” These values ensure the company operations remain streamlined, work seamlessly with each other and are focused on its primary goals. They can be broken down into: Integrity. Work together.

What is PwC mission statement?

PwC strives to build trust in society and solve important problems. It defines the difference we seek to make in the world—it’s why we do what we do.

What is the motto of PwC?

Making diversity a reality. Machines become humans. Delivering sustainable growth.

What is the purpose of values?

Our values inform our thoughts, words, and actions. Our values are important because they help us to grow and develop. They help us to create the future we want to experience. Every individual and every organization is involved in making hundreds of decisions every day.

How does PwC add value to its clients?

We add value through listening to our clients’ challenges and work with them to offer practical solutions, improving the way they operate, mitigating risk and helping to capitalise on opportunities.

What makes PwC stand out most to you compared to other companies?

PwC is reputed to be a more friendly, sociable firm than the other Big Four firms, with more social and sports events than the others. It is seen as ‘a firm that takes care of its employees’. It is often noted that the salary can be lower at PwC.

What makes PwC unique?

The firm’s culture acknowledges the challenges and provides the flexibility and individualized career options to provide all of our people with a unique people experience. We understand that a culture of flexibility is at the heart of work/life quality for our people.

Is collaboration a core value?

Collaboration is one of our nine core values because it reminds us we won’t thrive without recognising one another’s strengths. To us, collaboration means ‘listening and evolving together, helping and supporting each other for the sake of a collective goal; reciprocity.