What flu was prevalent in 2013?

2009 H1N1 viruses predominated overall during the 2013-14 flu season, though influenza B viruses became the predominant virus nationally later in the season and caused an increase in influenza-like-illness in parts of the northeast especially.

When is the flu shot available in Saskatchewan?

Flu shot appointments can also be booked by telephone at 1-833-SASKVAX (1-833-727-5829). SHA operated flu shot clinics begin on Tuesday, October 12, 2021….Health.

URL https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/government-structure/ministries/health
Mailing Address 3475 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 6X6

What was the name of the flu in 2014?

influenza A (H3N2)
The drifted influenza A (H3N2) viruses that circulated during the 2014-2015 season were first detected during routine surveillance testing in late March 2014, after World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations for the vaccine composition for the Northern Hemisphere formulation of the 2014-2015 vaccine were made (in …

Do you have to pay for flu shot in Saskatchewan?

The influenza (flu) vaccine is free (publicly funded) and is offered to Saskatchewan residents who are six months and older. Flu vaccines are proven to be safe by Health Canada. By getting immunized, you protect yourself and those close to you during the flu season.

How effective was the flu shot in 2013?

Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness, 2013-2014

Age group (years) Influenza positive Total Adjusted VE %
All ages 1,197 52%
6 mos–8 171 45%
9–17 110 53%
18–49 545 54%

How many human cases of bird flu were there in the year 2013?

As of June 2013, 630 cases of avian influenza had been reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) worldwide, with 375 deaths. Currently, reporting from areas with poor access to health care may be limited to clinically severe cases; illness that does not fulfill WHO diagnostic criteria is not reported.

When is flu season?

In the United States, flu season occurs in the fall and winter. While influenza viruses spread year-round, most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, but activity can last as late as May.

How many people have died from the flu 2014?

Number of influenza deaths in the United States from 2010 to 2020

Characteristic Number of deaths
2014-2015 51,000
2013-2014 38,000
2012-2013 43,000
2011-2012 12,000

How many people dies from the flu in 2014?

* 2019 to 2020 season is a preliminary estimate.

Season Hospitalizations Deaths
Estimate Estimate
2012-2013 570,000 43,000
2013-2014 350,000 38,000
2014-2015 590,000 51,000

How do I get a flu shot in Saskatoon?

You can also book your flu shot over the phone by calling 1-833-SASKVAX (1-833-727-5829). COVID-19 vaccines will be available at most SHA clinics.

What was in the 2012 flu vaccine?

The 2012-2013 seasonal influenza vaccine contains A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like, A/Victoria/361/2011 (H3N2)-like, and B/Wisconsin/1/2010-like (Yamagata lineage) antigens, which differ from the 2011-2012 vaccine.