What are FTP codes?

FTP server return codes are numerical codes that FTP server uses to indicate result of client request (i.e. request sent by WinSCP to the server). The return codes always have three digits. The first digit denotes whether the response is good, bad or incomplete. The second digit designates type of error.

What is the code for a successful FTP login?

Common FTP status codes and their causes This action has successfully completed, and the data connection is closed. 230 – This status code appears after the client sends the correct password. It indicates that the user has successfully logged on.

What is FTP response?

An FTP server reply is an acknowledgement sent from an FTP server to user in response to FTP commands. A reply is composed of a 3-digit reply code followed by a text string. Different implementations of FTP server can supply different text string for the same reply code, since it is usually intended for human users.

What causes FTP errors?

The most common FTP errors are related to incorrect login details supplied or an issue with the hosting server or the internet service provider. In most cases you will see Could not connect to server, but exact errors will vary depending on the issue.

How do I troubleshoot an FTP problem?

FTP troubleshooting checklist

  1. Check the FTP client’s configuration.
  2. Check for messages.
  3. Check the connection to the host.
  4. Check to see if the problem is security related.
  5. Enable debug on the FTP server and check for errors.
  6. Check to see if the cursor disappears.

What does my FTP number mean?

FTP stands for Functional Threshold Power, which is defined as the highest average power you can sustain for approximately an hour, measured in watts.

How do I connect to FTP anonymously?

Anonymous users log in to the FTP server by using the either ftp or anonymous as a user name. By convention, anonymous users supply an email address when prompted for a password. At login, the FTP server performs a chroot(2) operation that restricts the anonymous user’s view of the server’s disk structure.