How do I get transfer papers for my car WA?

If you have sold a vehicle, you need to let the Department of Transport (DOT) know within seven days. If you are the buyer, you must contact DOT within 14 days. Penalties may apply if you don’t. Buyers and sellers can either complete a form (PDF) or transfer the licence online.

Can you download change of ownership?

To transfer ownership of a vehicle, you must fill out a yellow Notification of Change of Ownership (NCO) form. This can be downloaded from the internet here, or you can acquire one of these forms from your local Traffic Department.

How do I get car registration papers?

Go to your nearest registering authority and bring along your identity document and complete the DRC (Application for Duplicate Registration/Deregistration Certificate in respect of Motor Vehicle) and form DCT (Declaration in respect of Lost Documents). Bear in mind that only a title holder can request a duplicate.

What forms do I need to change ownership of a car?

Forms to complete

  1. Notice of change of particulars (NCP)
  2. Application for registration and licensing (RLV)
  3. Notice of change of ownership/sale of motor vehicle (NCO)
  4. Notice in respect of traffic register number (ANR)

What documents do you need when selling a car?

Here are the documents you should have to make your life easier when you come to sell.

  • V5C logbook.
  • Service history.
  • MOT certificate history.
  • Repairs and parts receipts.
  • Remaining car warranty.
  • Number plate retention form (V317) if applicable.
  • Car owner’s handbook.
  • Proof of reservation and purchase receipts.

What do you need to sell a car in WA?

How to Sell a Car in Washington

  1. Step 1: Allow the Buyer to Have the Car Inspected by a Third Party.
  2. Step 2: Clean Out the Vehicle.
  3. Step 3: Remove the License Plates.
  4. Step 4: Complete a Bill of Sale.
  5. Step 5: Collect Payment from the Seller.
  6. Step 6: Sign the Title to Formally Transfer Ownership.
  7. Step 7: File a Report of Sale.

Can I do change of ownership without roadworthy?

Fear not though, as vehicle ownership can be transferred without a valid roadworthy certificate. The licensing department will gladly transfer the ownership and provide a new registration document but will withhold the license disc until such time as a valid roadworthy certificate can be produced.

What can you do if your car has no papers?

I’ve lost my car registration papers. What should I do?

  1. Take your ID and Proof of Address (e.g., utility bill or account.
  2. Complete the Declaration in Respect of Lost Documents (DCT) and the Duplicate Registration/Deregistration in Respect of Motor Vehicles (DRC) forms.

What is the proof of ownership of a car?

To prove that you own the car, you’ll need some sort of receipt or invoice from when you bought it. Even if you buy the car privately, make sure the seller gives you some sort of written agreement detailing the date of sale, the amount you paid and the method of payment.

Can I change car ownership at the post office?

Can I change a vehicle ownership at any Post Office? No. A change of ownership must be done at the traffic department.