Do otos get along with bettas?
Do otos get along with bettas?
Unfortunately, otos do not make good tank mates for betta fish. Bettas are aggressive fish and need to be kept on their own when placed in smaller tanks; even females need to be carefully watched for aggressive behaviors.
What can live with Otocinclus?
Otocinclus Tank Mates
- Boraras.
- Cory cats.
- Dwarf Gouramis.
- Neon Tetras.
- Rasbora.
Are Otocinclus easy to breed?
Mating Otocinclus Otocinclus do not typically mate easily but a high protein diet can influence your fish into mating. Daphnia, algae wafers, and brine shrimp are all excellent food choices when you wish to breed your Otocinclus.
Do Otocinclus breed captivity?
Breeding. Otocinclus catfish have been bred in tanks. They breed in a similar fashion to Corydoras, the female rushes around pursued by her male and lays groups of 3-6 eggs on plant leaves, bogwood or even the aquarium glass.
Can I put a betta with a catfish?
Cory catfish Cory catfish make great tank mates with betta fish, male or female. Cory catfish are calm and peaceful fish, which will encourage the same behavior in your betta. Their non-aggressive temperament is the perfect contrast against a betta who is ready to take on another male.
What fish can live with bettas?
A:Depending on the size of your aquarium, some of the best betta fish tank mates are:
- mystery snails.
- ghost shrimp.
- moss balls.
- African dwarf frogs.
- small Corydoras species.
- some types of tetras.
- harlequin rasboras.
- feeder guppies.
How many otocinclus Can I put in a 10 gallon tank with a betta?
However, it is possible to keep a single otocinclus in a 10-gallon tank, but it’s not recommended. Make sure your tank has a sandy substrate as well as lots of live plants and driftwood. There also needs to be a good water flow. Otocinclus catfish are peaceful and won’t attack your betta.
Do otocinclus produce lots of waste?
Yes, otocinclus produce a lot of waste. They constantly graze on algae around the tank, so even though otocinclus can help you control the tank’s algae growth, they are also constantly producing their own waste.
Will Otocinclus eat baby shrimp?
The Otocinclus Catfish is the only fish we know of that is not likely to eat shrimp fry. While most fish will prey on dwarf shrimp fry, a heavily planted aquarium can be very helpful in offsetting this predation.
How long do Otocinclus carry eggs?
Otocinclus eggs vary in color, ranging from transparent, cream, to yellow-green. Once fertilized, the eggs will hatch within 3-4 days.
Can Plecos live with bettas?
Much like other species of the Pleco family, Clown Plecos make good tank mates for Bettas and other similar fish. They feed mostly on algae and uneaten food, which helps keep your tank clean.
What Bottom Feeder can live with a betta?
Catflish, Plecos and Corydoras Catfish and bottom feeding fish are usually the best fish to keep with bettas. They don’t resemble what a betta would class as a threat. They swim at the bottom of the aquarium and are often reclusive and hide. They’re non-aggressive fish.