What does it mean to say tight?

(slang) Intoxicated; drunk or acting like being drunk. quotations ▼ We went drinking and got tight.

What is a slang word for weak?

sissy, namby-pamby, wuss (slang), chinless wonder (British, informal), dastard (archaic)

What do you call a tight person?

And so anyone who is considered tight with a buck came to be called a “skinflint.” If you do find yourself living with a skinflint, rather than suffer in silence, experts offer some advice on how to best deal with them.

Does tight mean strong?

The definition of tight is firmly in place, fitting closely or concise and strong. An example of tight used as an adjective is the phrase “a tight lightbulb” which means a lightbulb that is screwed in all the way.

What does tight mean in New York slang?

Tight. When New Yorkers say “tight”, they’re usually talking about something they think is cool. It is also used to mean that someone is upset about something. “Those new shoes are tight, man!”

Why does tight mean cool?

Nothing sloppy. So the use of it to describe cool/great/slick is in reference to it being a good design, be it music, cars, a purse, or even relationships (it’s good that those two people are together–they fit together well–they “tight”).

What is a name for a weak man?

2 boneless, cowardly, impotent, indecisive, ineffectual, infirm, irresolute, namby-pamby, pathetic, powerless, soft, spineless, timorous, weak-kneed (informal)

What does stingy mean in slang?

stingy, close, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, miserly mean being unwilling or showing unwillingness to share with others. stingy implies a marked lack of generosity.

What’s a piker slang?

Definition of piker 1 : one who gambles or speculates with small amounts of money. 2 : one who does things in a small way also : tightwad, cheapskate.

Does tight mean cool?

Tight means roughly the same thing as sick, fresh, kewl, or wicked – which is to say, cool. However, tight is most often used to describe feats of skill. For example, an expert gamer or athlete’s play might be called tight.

Where does the slang tight come from?