What is an example of intellectualization?
What is an example of intellectualization?
Intellectualization involves a person using reason and logic to avoid uncomfortable or anxiety-provoking emotions. Intellectualization can be a useful way of explaining and understanding negative events. For example, if person A is rude to person B, person B may think about the possible reasons for person A’s behavior.
What does it mean to Intellectualise your emotions?
Intellectualising involves speaking about emotional experiences, memories or thoughts in a detached, emotionless way. For example, someone tells you about their experience of having their heart broken, but what they are saying and how they are saying it don’t quite match up.
What does the word intellectualize mean?
Definition of intellectualize transitive verb. : to give rational form or content to.
What is the intellectualization of a language?
An intellectualized language is that language that can be used for giving and obtaining a complete education in any field of knowledge from kindergarten to the university and beyond. An intellectualized language is written, thus making reading and writing necessary skills.
Why intellectualization is not always healthy?
However, intellectualization can hinder mental health when it is used too frequently or to avoid emotion. Too much self-examination or overanalyzing may also prevent people from living in the moment, forging connections, and finding fulfillment.
How do you use intellectualize in a sentence?
1. I tended to mistrust my emotions and intellectualize everything. 2. She couldn’t stand all that pointless intellectualizing about subjects that just didn’t matter.
What does lingua franca?
A lingua franca is a common language serving as a regular means of communication relating to scientific, technological, and academic information between different linguistic groups in a multilingual speech community.
What is the difference between intellectualization and rationalization?
As you can see, the key difference between the two is that while in intellectualization the individual draws on intellectual components, in rationalization the individual draws on logical components. Through this article let us attempt to gain a clearer understanding of intellectualization and rationalization with some examples.
What is the difference between rational and intellectual?
is that rational is (mathematics) a rational number: a number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers while intellectual is an intelligent, learned person, especially one who discourses about learned matters. Other Comparisons: What’s the difference?
What does it mean to intellectualize a situation?
Medical Definition of intellectualize 1 : to give rational form or content to 2 : to avoid conscious recognition of the emotional basis of (an act or feeling) by substituting a superficially plausible explanation conflicts that are intellectualized — L. E. Hinsie Other Words from intellectualize
How does intellectualization differ from other defense mechanisms?
Unlike other defense mechanisms, intellectualization can make it seem are though we are dealing with the reality of a situation. For example, using intellectualization is sometimes confused with a defense mechanism called rationalization.