What is the electric dipole approximation?

The dipole approximation is employed to describe interactions between atoms and radiation. It essentially consists of neglecting the spatial variation of the electromagnetic field over the atom – instead, one uses the field at the location of the nucleus.

What is the formula for electric dipole moment?

An electric dipole is formed by two point charges +q and −q connected by a vector a. The electric dipole moment is defined as p = qa .

What are the selection rule for an electric dipole transition?

The Laporte rule (law) applies to electric dipole transitions, so the operator has u symmetry (meaning ungerade, odd). p orbitals also have u symmetry, so the symmetry of the transition moment function is given by the triple product u×u×u, which has u symmetry. The transitions are therefore forbidden.

What is the electric dipole operator?

An electric dipole transition is the dominant effect of an interaction of an electron in an atom with the electromagnetic field.

Why optical transitions are called electric dipole transition?

If during the switch the atom can behave like an oscillating electric dipole, then this is usually (for visible/IR/radio radiation at least) more efficient than the oscillating magnetic dipole or electric quadrupole etc. This would be termed an electric dipole transition.

What is electric dipole forbidden?

Abstract. Spectroscopic transitions in atoms and molecules that are not allowed within the electric-dipole approximation, but occur because of higher-order terms in the interaction between matter and radiation, are termed dipole-forbidden1.

What is the relation between electric dipole and electric dipole moment?

Electric dipole is just the separation of two equal and opposite charges separated a small distance whereas electric dipole moment measures the strength of an electric dipole. Electric dipole moment occurs due to the existence of an electric dipole. It measure the electric polarity of the system of charges.

What is the formula of magnetic dipole moment?

The strength of that tiny magnet, the magnetic dipole moment m, is given by m = NIA, giving the units – Ampere meter square. The magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity and its direction is given by the right-hand thumb rule.

What are the selection rules for electronic transition How can they be breakdown?

Electronic Selection Rules

  • The total spin cannot change, ΔS=0;
  • The change in total orbital angular momentum can be ΔL=0, ±1, but L=0 ↔ L=0 transition is not allowed;
  • The change in the total angular momentum can be ΔJ=0, ±1, but J=0 ↔ J=0 transition is not allowed;

What is Laporte selection rule?

The Laporte rule is a rule that explains the intensities of absorption spectra for chemical species. It is a selection rule that rigorously applies to chromophores that are centrosymmetric, i.e. with an inversion centre. It states that electronic transitions that conserve parity are forbidden.

What is an interaction Hamiltonian?

The total interaction Hamiltonian (magnetic exchange+magnetic dipole-dipole interaction) is built and diagonalized in the basis of the products of the local ab initio wave functions and eigenstates obtained for the individual metal sites at (ii).

What is the difference between electric dipole transitions and magnetic dipole transitions?

Comparison to electric dipole transitions Electric dipole transitions only have a non-vanishing matrix element between quantum states with different parity. Magnetic dipole transitions and electric quadrupole transitions in contrast couple states with the same parity.