What does obdurate mean mean?

stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
1a : stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing an unrepentant, obdurate sinner. b : hardened in feelings The obdurate enemy was merciless. 2 : resistant to persuasion or softening influences obdurate in his determination remaining obdurate to her husband’s advances— Edith Wharton.

What is another word for obdurate?

Synonyms & Antonyms of obdurate

  • affectless,
  • callous,
  • case-hardened,
  • cold-blooded,
  • compassionless,
  • desensitized,
  • hard,
  • hard-boiled,

How do you use the word obdurate?

I do not know why he is taking such an obdurate attitude. I have no wish to be intolerant or unduly obdurate in this matter. All those important factors are as nothing compared with his obdurate determination to impose privatisation on his dogmatic terms. The persecutors are quite obdurate to any public opinion.

How do you use morass in a sentence?

Morass sentence example

  1. The river flowing into the valley caused a great, muddy morass .
  2. Haneke chronicles a family enslaved to the structures they have created, operating in a morass of emotional vacuity.
  3. The men rode through the morass and up the slope.
  4. A salt morass was on the lower end of the lake.

What is the difference between obdurate and obstinate?

And this is connected to Xanne’s answer: obstinate is being obstructive for no reason, obdurate has a reason (character, a hard skin, toughness, standing fast for what you believe).

Are obstinate and obdurate synonyms?

OTHER WORDS FOR obdurate 1 hard, obstinate, callous, unbending, inflexible.

What is a morass?

morass • \muh-RASS\ • noun. 1 : marsh, swamp 2 a : a situation that traps, confuses, or impedes b : an overwhelming or confusing mass or mixture.

What is the difference between obdurate and stubborn?

As adjectives the difference between obdurate and stubborn is that obdurate is stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent while stubborn is refusing to move or to change one’s opinion; obstinate; firmly resisting.

What is the synonym for obstinate?

Some common synonyms of obstinate are dogged, mulish, pertinacious, and stubborn. While all these words mean “fixed and unyielding in course or purpose,” obstinate implies usually an unreasonable persistence. an obstinate proponent of conspiracy theories.