What is robots txt in Apache?

Alias /robots.txt /var/www/robots.txt. The above line tells apache that if any requests for robots.

Where is robots txt in Linux?

Please note that a robots. txt file is a special text file and it is always located in your Web server’s root directory.

Where is robots txt FTP?

As the name suggests, Robots. txt is a simple text file. This file is stored in the root directory of your website. To find it, simply open your FTP tool and navigate to your website directory under public_html.

Is the robots txt in the root directory of your domain?

The file is stored in text format (with a . txt extension) on the root folder of your website. You can view any website’s robot. txt file just by typing the domain followed by /robots.

How do I set up robots txt?

Open Notepad, Microsoft Word or any text editor and save the file as ‘robots,’ all lowercase, making sure to choose . txt as the file type extension (in Word, choose ‘Plain Text’ ).

How do I access robots txt file?

Crawlers will always look for your robots. txt file in the root of your website, so for example: https://www.contentkingapp.com/robots.txt . Navigate to your domain, and just add ” /robots. txt “.

Where do I put robots txt in Cpanel?

Step 1: Access your cPanel File Manager and choose the main site directory. Then, simply click on “Upload” button and upload your robots. txt file. Alternatively, create a new robots.

Where is robots txt file located in WordPress?

root WordPress directory
Robots. txt is a text file located in your root WordPress directory. You can access it by opening the your-website.com/robots.txt URL in your browser. It serves to let search engine bots know which pages on your website should be crawled and which shouldn’t.

Where do I put robots txt in cPanel?

Where do I upload robots txt?

  1. Once complete, save and upload your robots. txt file to the root directory of your site. For example, if your domain is www.mydomain.com, you will place the file at www.mydomain.com/robots.txt.
  2. Once the file is in place, check the robots. txt file for any errors.