Where did Riff Ram Bah Zoo come from?

We all love it and yell it at every event we can. It is the oldest cheer in the Southwest Conference, TCU’s original athletic conference, and it might date back all the way to the 1920s. Give ’em Hell, TCU. There is also the TCU Fight Song, composed in 1926 by band director Claude Sammis.

What do TCU fans yell at kickoff?

At more than 100 years old, “Riff Ram” is rumored to be the oldest chant in the Southwest Conference, where we rose to popularity in the early days of intercollegiate sports. Riff, Ram, Bah, Zoo!

What is the motto for TCU?

The motto of TCU is Disciplina est facultas (“Learning is power”). The school colors are purple, which represents royalty, and white, which stands for a clean game.

What does TCU stand for in college football?

Texas Christian University
The TCU Horned Frogs football program is the intercollegiate football team of Texas Christian University (TCU).

Why is TCU Horned Frogs?

How Did TCU Become the Horned Frogs? The answer goes way back to 1897, when the yearbook staff of the then-named AddRan Christian University was looking to name its annual. Football began at the university the year before, and legend has it that the football field was covered in the small-but-mighty horned lizards.

Are Horned Frogs Poisonous?

Their skin is toxic, which is an effective way to discourage predators. Indigenous people traditionally have used the toxin of this and other poison dart frogs to tip their spears with before hunting. The toxin causes almost instant paralysis and death.

Do Horned Frogs spit blood?

More videos on YouTube The horny toad employs several defense mechanisms, with blood-squirting used only as a last resort. Their coloring helps them blend into their surroundings and hopefully avoid being seen by predators.

What is the most aggressive frog?

horned frogs
There are other large frogs that prey on vertebrates but horned frogs are arguably the most aggressive and voracious. In the wild they will sit patiently, partially buried and well hidden, and attempt to ambush anything unfortunate enough to wander in front of them.