How do you pgup on a Mac?

Your Mac doesn’t have a dedicated keys for page up or page down, but there is a keyboard shortcut equivalent you can use. To page up on your Mac, press the fn and up arrow keys, as shown below. To page down on your Mac, press the fn and down arrow keys, as shown below.

What button is pgup?

Short for Page Up key, the PGUP, PU, PgUp, or Pg Up key is a computer keyboard key found between the keyboard and the numeric pad or on the numeric pad number 9 key. When this key is pressed, if the page currently being viewed has more than one page, the page moves (scrolls) up one page.

How do you Alt page down on a Mac?

However, the option key on a Mac keyboard is used in a different way than the alt key on a Windows PC….How to use the Alt key on a Mac keyboard.

Windows Mac
Go forward Alt + Right arrow Command + Right arrow
Move up one screen Alt + Page Up Command + Page Up
Move down one screen Alt + Page Down Command + Page Down

Where is home key in Mac?

The “Home” button on a Mac keyboard: Fn + Left Arrow The ‘fn’ key on the Mac keyboard is the function button, hitting that with the left arrow will immediately jump to the very top of a page in the active application of Mac OS. This is the exact same function as hitting the “Home” button on a Windows PC.

What is the Fn key on Mac?

For those of you that don’t know, the fn key on Mac is a dictation device. All you have to do is click the button at the bottom lefthand corner of your keypad twice and a microphone pops up on your screen. It then records everything you say out loud and types what you say wherever your cursor is.

How do you pgup on a laptop?

So, for example, to press Page Up, you hold down the Fn key and press the Up Arrow key.

What is the shortcut for Home key?

Command Prompt keyboard shortcuts

Press this key To do this
Ctrl + Home (Mark mode) Move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer.
Ctrl + End (Mark mode) Move the cursor to the end of the buffer.
Ctrl + Up arrow Move up one line in the output history.
Ctrl + Down arrow Move down one line in the output history.