What are the methods used to measure BOD?
What are the methods used to measure BOD?
Measuring biochemical oxygen demand requires taking two measurements. One is measured immediately for dissolved oxygen (initial), and the second is incubated in the lab for 5 days and then tested for the amount of dissolved oxygen remaining (final).
What is BOD and How Is It measured?
The BOD test is a bioassay technique involving the measurement of oxygen consumed by the bacteria while stabilizing the organic matter in the waste as they would normally do in nature but under normal laboratory conditions. By convention, the test is conducted for a period of 5 days at 20°C (68°F).
How is BOD of waste water calculated?
For example: 1.0 mL of a full strength wastewater sample added to 9.0 mL of DI water results in a 0.1 dilution of the wastewater. The DO concentration (mg/L) reduction must then be multiplied by 10 to determine the final BOD concentration.
Why is BOD measured after 5 days?
BOD occurs in 2 general stages. While calculating the oxygen demand, the carbonaceous stage is taken into account. This stage is almost completed in 5 days, which means that most of the organic content of the sewage is oxidized under aerobic conditions in 5 days. Hence ,BOD for 5 days is calculated.
What is a BOD meter?
Benchtop or portable instruments, probes, and sensors used to measure dissolved oxygen and temperature in water and other solutions; used to determine biological oxygen demand (BOD), an indication of the amount of biodegradable material in a sample.
What is BOD value of water?
Complete answer: Drinking water has a BOD level of 1 – 2 ppm. When the BOD value of water is in the range 3 – 5 ppm, the water is moderately clean. Polluted water has a BOD value in the range of 6 – 9 ppm. In polluted water, some organic waste is present.
Why is BOD5 important?
The BOD5 indicates how much dissolved oxygen (mg / l) is needed in a given time for the biological degradation of the organic wastewater constituents. This value is an important parameter for the assessment of the degree of pollution that wastewater represents for the environment (receiving water).
What is BOD and COD?
The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) represents the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) consumed by biological organisms when they decompose organic matter in water. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) is the amount of oxygen consumed when the water sample is chemically oxidised.