Why were walruses dying and falling?

The incident occurs after what’s called a “land haulout,” which is when large herds of walrus females and calves emerge from the water to gather and rest on a beach. The show blames the land haulouts — and the deaths caused by falling from cliffs — squarely on lack of sea ice due to human-caused climate change.

Why do walruses fall off cliffs?

Without summer sea ice for resting, walrus mothers and calves have been forced ashore in huge numbers, where they have limited access to food and are vulnerable to being trampled to death, attacked by predators or crowded into dangerous places looking for space to rest — like the edge of a cliff.

Do walruses have depth perception?

The walruses are used to a soft landing. Their depth perception hasn’t evolved to deal with a cliff situation, nor have they evolved to work out how to get back the way they came.

Can walrus be eaten?

Many residents of coastal communities in northern and western Alaska consume walrus and other marine mammals as part of subsistence hunting, or hunting for survival. This tradition is critical to their nutrition, food security and economic stability, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

How are walruses affected by climate change?

Today the biggest threat facing walruses is the loss of stable sea ice due to climate change. As a result of less sea ice, walrus are changing their behavior. Walruses feed on the ocean floor in the relatively shallow waters of the continental shelf, where the sea ice itself sustains a rich food web.

Does our planet show animals dying?

For a brief moment the walruses are shown resting at the top of a cliff. Then suddenly, some of the them lose their balance and plunge to their deaths onto the rocks below. Netflix posted a warning on Twitter Wednesday, letting viewers know they might want to “skip” the most graphic scenes in the docuseries.

Do polar bears eat walruses?

Adult male polar bears will sometimes hunt walruses, but the smaller females, especially when malnourished, lack the strength necessary to take down the much larger predator.

How are walruses being affected by climate change?

Why do walruses eyes pop out?

The extraocular muscles of the walrus are well-developed. This and its lack of orbital roof allow it to protrude its eyes and see in both a frontal and dorsal direction.

Why do walruses have red eyes?

The walrus spends the cold winter months over the Bering Sea. Some cases of red eye are caused by pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis. The skin of a walrus is very thick. A close eye is kept on them though by conservation groups.

What do walruses taste like?

The enormous walrus has a strong flavor with fishy undertones. It may even remind you a little about horse meat. The meat and other body parts usually get made into Igunak, a fermented delicacy. This traditional item forms a beloved dish in the Inuit, Chukchi, Evenki, and Nenets diets.