Who was the lady in pipkins?


Role Actor
Pig (1973; 1975–1977) Topov (1973) Tortoise (1973, first series only) Octavia (1973; 1975–1978) The Bag Lady Heather Tobias
Pig (1974–1975) Octavia (1974-1975; 1977) Topov (1974–1978) Pigeon Lorain Bertorelli
Pig (1977–1978) Topov (1978–1981) Octavia (1978–1981) Elizabeth Lindsay

What animal was pipkins?

Inigo Pipkin was a puppet maker. Hartley Hare, Pig, Tortoise, Octavia the Ostrich and Topov were a group of animals who lived with Inigo and ran an organisation called The Help People. Tortoise lived on the cash register of the shop and looked after the cash.

What was the monkey called in pipkins?

Topol the Monkey
What was the name of the tortoise in the seventies kids programme “Pipkins”? The tortoise was called “Tortoise”. The brummie pig was “Pig”. I seem to remember the other animals had names; Hartley Hare, Topol the Monkey, Octavia the Ostrich.

Who was Topov?

The monkey was called Topov because he was always on top of something. Octavia was the ostrich who just walked around looking beautiful and singing opera. Hartley Hare was the Managing Director, or at least he thought so. The others had different ideas.

What does the word Pipkin mean?

Definition of pipkin : a small earthenware or metal pot usually with a horizontal handle.

What does the name Pipkin mean?

British Dictionary definitions for pipkin pipkin. / (ˈpɪpkɪn) / noun. a small metal or earthenware vessel. another name for piggin.

What program was Humphrey cushion?

Hickory House
The setting was a normal house, but in Hickory House household objects were brought to life through puppetry. The puppet characters included Humphrey Cushion (a sleepy grey cushion with a fondness for bananas), Dusty Mop (a bad-tempered mop with a long red nose) and the Handle Family.

How do you use Pipkin?

Pipkins were an everyday item used for cooking and for storing food; to use it, a person would place the pipkin on top of hot coals in order to heat the contents. It is said that the round shape of the bowl could be representative of a woman’s womb, and thus the pipkin could have symbolized fertility and good fortune.

Is Pipkin Irish?

The surname Pipkin was first found in Normandy where they claim descent from the founders of the Carolingian monarchy, Pepin d’Heristal (c. 635-714), and Pepin le Bref (Pippin the Younger.) Both claim descent from Pepin I (also Peppin, Pipin, or Pippin) of Landen (c.

What is a pipkins in colonial times?

A pipkin is an earthenware cooking pot used for cooking over direct heat from coals or a wood fire. They were not held in direct flame which would crack the ceramic. It has a handle and many (though not all) examples had three feet.

Where does the name pipkins come from?

The surname Pipkins was first found in Normandy where they claim descent from the founders of the Carolingian monarchy, Pepin d’Heristal (c. 635-714), and Pepin le Bref (Pippin the Younger.) Both claim descent from Pepin I (also Peppin, Pipin, or Pippin) of Landen (c.