What is the recovery time for anterior talofibular ligament surgery?

4-6 weeks – you will still use the boot but can fully weight bear at around six weeks, when you may be able to wear your usual shoes.

How long does it take to recover from foot ligament surgery?

Many patients can return to work five to six weeks after their operation, even in cases where their job involves manual work or walking. At this point, you should also be able to resume low impact sporting activities, but should refrain from higher impact exercise until at least ten to twelve weeks post-surgery.

Does an anterior talofibular ligament tear require surgery?

Clinical Management Of ATFL Rupture The concern would be that they develop chronic instability in the ankle or an anterior ankle impingement long term, which would require surgery. This can occur in patients who either present to physiotherapy late, or are non- compliant with their rehab.

How soon after foot surgery Can you walk?

There are a few operations where a patient can be expected to resume wearing standard footwear in as little as 2-3 weeks but the majority of foot and ankle operations take at least 8 weeks before standard footwear can be attempted.

Why is foot surgery so painful?

Expect to be in some degree of pain following surgery. The bones in your foot and/or ankle are being manipulated in the operating room to correct the problem, which will cause pain. In general, the pain subsides after a few days to a week after surgery, depending on the type of surgery.

Do you need surgery for a torn ligament in your foot?

Treatment Options Even a complete ligament tear may heal without surgical repair if it is immobilized appropriately. Treatment may involve physical therapy, medication, crutches, and immobilization devices such as a cast, boot, or air brace.

How long is recovery from ankle ligament surgery?

Recovery depends on the extent of the injury and the type of surgery. You may recover after a minor procedure within 6 to 8 weeks. However, it may take a couple of months to recover from major surgery.

Is ankle ligament surgery painful?

However, it is common to experience some amount of pain for up to 2-3 months after surgery. This pain is usually mild and occurs after increased physical activities. You can apply ice to your ankle or take anti-inflammatory medications of this occurs.

What happens if you tear your anterior talofibular ligament?

Complete tears of the main ligament (ATFL-anterior talofibular ligament) are usually accompanied by more pain, difficulty weightbearing, swelling and discoloration to the outside of the ankle. These ligament injuries require immobilization to allow the ligament to heal primarily.