What is the configuration of D glyceraldehyde?

In the D/L system, glyceraldehyde is used as the configurational standard for carbohydrates. Monosaccharides with an absolute configuration identical to (R)-glyceraldehyde at the last stereocentre, for example C5 in glucose, are assigned the stereo-descriptor D-. Those similar to (S)-glyceraldehyde are assigned an L-.

How do you assign a RS configuration to a Fischer projection?


  1. Draw the horizontal bonds as wedge lines:
  2. Assign the priorities of the four groups:
  3. Determine the direction of the arrow; if the lowest priority is pointing away from you (vertical position), then the configuration is as it should be: clockwise (CW)-R, counterclockwise (CCW)-S:

Which of the Fischer projection formula is identical to D glyceraldehyde?

All other Fisher projections result in D-glyceraldehyde in an odd number of interchanges. So, the correct answer is Option c . Note: Always remember that Fischer projection represents three dimensional carbon atoms in 2-D.

What is the enantiomer of D-glyceraldehyde?

The dextrorotatory enantiomer of glyceraldehyde, which rotates plane-polarized light in a clockwise direction (+13.5°), was assigned to the Fischer projection with the hydroxyl group on the right side. Fischer called the compound d-glyceraldehyde.

How do you assign R and S?

When using a model, make sure the lowest priority is pointing away from you. Then determine the direction from the highest priority substituent to the lowest: clockwise (R) or counterclockwise (S).

Which of the following is the Fischer projection of D glucose?

The Fischer projection of L-glucose is the mirror image of D-glucose.

How many stereoisomers does D glyceraldehyde have?

II. Since D-glucose is an aldohexose, it must possess four chiral carbon atoms and can exist in 24 = 16 stereoisomers (see Table I).

How are D and L glyceraldehyde related?

The d/l system (named after Latin dexter and laevus, right and left) names molecules by relating them to the molecule glyceraldehyde. Glyceraldehyde is chiral, and its two isomers are labeled d and l (typically typeset in small caps in published work).

What is D and L configuration with example?

Almost all sugars found in nature are D-sugar. Like R and S, D and L indicate the configuration of an asymmetric carbon, but they do not indicate whether the compound rotates polarized light to the right or to the left. For example, D-glyceraldehyde is dextrorotatory, whereas D-lactic acid is levorotatory.