What is dequeue and its algorithm?

Deque or Double Ended Queue is a type of queue in which insertion and removal of elements can either be performed from the front or the rear. Thus, it does not follow FIFO rule (First In First Out).

What is deque explain?

A deque, also known as a double-ended queue, is an ordered collection of items similar to the queue. It has two ends, a front and a rear, and the items remain positioned in the collection.

What is the algorithm of queue?

Algorithm to insert any element in a queue If the item is to be inserted as the first element in the list, in that case set the value of front and rear to 0 and insert the element at the rear end. Otherwise keep increasing the value of rear and insert each element one by one having rear as the index.

What is queue and dequeue?

A queue is a simple data structure where the insertion and deletion of elements take place from the one end, whereas Deque is a hybrid data structure serving the purpose of both the stack and queue and insertion and deletion of elements can take place from both the ends according to the requirements of the user.

What is the difference between a queue and a deque?

Double ended queue or simply called “Deque” is a generalized version of Queue. The difference between Queue and Deque is that it does not follow the FIFO (First In, First Out) approach. The second feature of Deque is that we can insert and remove elements from either front or rear ends.

What is a deque structure?

Deque is a linear data structure where the insertion and deletion operations are performed from both ends. We can say that deque is a generalized version of the queue. Though the insertion and deletion in a deque can be performed on both ends, it does not follow the FIFO rule.

How is deque implemented?

For implementing deque, we need to keep track of two indices, front and rear. We enqueue(push) an item at the rear or the front end of dequeue and dequeue(pop) an item from both rear and front end. Inserting First element in deque, at either front or rear will lead to the same result.

What is queue example?

The simplest example of a queue is the typical line that we all participate in from time to time. We wait in a line for a movie, we wait in the check-out line at a grocery store, and we wait in the cafeteria line (so that we can pop the tray stack).

What are types of queue?

There are four different types of queues:

  • Simple Queue.
  • Circular Queue.
  • Priority Queue.
  • Double Ended Queue.

What is benefit of using a deque over simple queue?

Deques are faster adding/removing elements to the end or beginning. Lists are faster adding/removing elements to any other ‘middle’ position. You can also use insert(index, value) on lists, while on deques you can only append left or right.

Is deque FIFO or LIFO?

(A deque can also be used to implement a stack, a topic we will explore in the exercises). As with the stack, it is the FIFO (first in, first out) property that is, in the end, the fundamental defining characteristic of the queue, and not the names of the operations.