What is a hammerhead toe?

A hammertoe is curled due to a bend in the middle joint of the toe. Hammertoe and mallet toe are foot deformities that occur due to an imbalance in the muscles, tendons or ligaments that normally hold the toe straight.

How do you treat a hammer toe nail?

How do I take care of my hammertoes? Are there any at-home treatments?

  1. Decrease pressure to the area by applying a commercial, non-medicated hammertoe pad.
  2. Wear shoes with a deep toebox.
  3. Avoid heels that are taller than two inches.
  4. Apply an ice pack if there’s swelling.
  5. Wear loose-fitting shoes.

What causes you to get a hammer toe?

The most common cause of hammer toe is wearing short, narrow shoes that are too tight. This causes the toe to bend upward. Muscles and tendons in the toe tighten and become shorter. This makes the toe stay in the bent position.

Does hammer toe go away?

Hammertoes are progressive—they do not go away by themselves and usually they will get worse over time. However, not all cases are alike—some hammertoes progress more rapidly than others. Once your foot and ankle surgeon has evaluated your hammertoes, a treatment plan can be developed that is suited to your needs.

Is hammer toe genetic?

Hammer toe usually affects one of your middle three toes. You may notice a parent or grandparent with a similarly irregular toe and assume hammer toe is just hereditary. Hammer toe isn’t inevitable if it runs in your family. The curled toe isn’t hereditary – even though it can be present at birth in some cases.

Can hammer toes be corrected without surgery?

There is no effective nonsurgical treatment that can correct a hammertoe deformity. Patients may find a relief by using shoes with a wide toe box, open-toe shoes, or custom shoes. Exercises of the intrinsic muscles in the foot can promote more muscle balance.

Can you fix hammer toe without surgery?

Hammertoes cannot be straightened without surgery. Once the toe has started to bend, conservative treatments alone will not reverse it, but can only slow its progression.

Is hammer toe surgery painful?

Under local anesthetic, a person will not be able to feel the procedure itself, but they may feel pressure or pulling. The surgery should not hurt. After surgery, a person will typically feel some pain in the toe and must have someone drive them home.

Is a hammer toe a birth defect?

Although a hammer toe may be present at birth, it usually develops over time due to arthritis or wearing ill-fitting shoes, such as tight, pointed heels. In most cases, a hammer toe condition is treatable.