What if I get my period at camp?

Period care is the same in the backcountry as it is anywhere else. Take care of your body by changing tampons and pads as frequently as you normally would. Be Prepared to speak up if you need to make a pitstop to change or clean menstrual products.

How old are camp counselors usually?

Most camps require counselors to be 17 or 18 years old. However, some camp jobs may be available for 16-year-olds or younger (depending on hiring policy and state labor laws). Check the camp’s job application and hiring information for details.

Is it worth it to be a camp counselor?

Your time management, communication, teamwork, and leadership skills will see a great improvement over the summer, because you’ll be using them all day every day! These skills in particular are useful for college & college interviews, as well as future job opportunities. You get to explore your fun side.

Does being a camp counselor look good to colleges?

As you can read, we’re pretty neutral on how a position as a camp counselor might play out for your college applications. Ultimately, we think that colleges agree with us that: it’s better than nothing, but not better than some things.

How do you discreetly throw out tampons?

Tampon disposal is pretty straight-forward, you can simply wrap your used tampon up in toilet paper and throw away used tampons in the garbage bin or trash.

How do you clean a menstrual cup while camping?

When using a menstrual cup while camping, be sure to clean it twice daily. Do this with some warm water. Remove the cup and dump the contents into the toilet or cat hole. Then pour in a little warm water (if you’re fancy you can use mild, non-smelly soap).

Is being a camp counselor hard?

But being a counselor is hard work. The hours are long and summers can be hot. Tending to the needs of children all day (and night) can be exhausting. It requires stamina, patience, and maturity.

Why should camp hire you answer?

Why Should Camp Hire You? This is where you can really stand out from the crowd and explain exactly why you’re the best person for the job. Be honest, professional, and positive. Let them know exactly why you will be a great addition to their team!

Does being a camp counselor look good on a resume?

When properly outlined on your resume, your summer camp job will translate into a highly beneficial work experience that will help you stand out from the crowd.

Do colleges care about camps?

Did you know summer activities can push your college application to the “yes” pile? Colleges want to see that you are committed to extracurriculars throughout the school year, but they also love it when you are making the effort to expand and stretch yourself over summer vacation.

Is it okay to flush one tampon?

No. Tampons can cause plumbing blockages that can lead to sewage backflow, which can result in a health hazard and expensive repairs. Only flush human waste and toilet paper. Commonly, used tampons are wrapped in a facial tissue or toilet paper and put into the garbage.

Can u pee with a tampon in?

Here comes a big sigh of relief for a lot of people out there; you can pee with a tampon in. Peeing with a tampon in won’t harm you or do anything to disrupt your period, all it’ll do is make the string of your tampon wet – and you can just move the string to the side before you pee.