What are the properties of tourmaline?

Tourmaline is believed to promote inspiration and happiness, reduce fear, and build self-confidence among its users. It’s also used to balance yin-yang energies, as it’s considered a physical bridge to the spiritual. Tourmaline comes in a variety of colors, the most common being black.

How would you describe tourmaline?

Tourmaline is a six-member ring cyclosilicate having a trigonal crystal system. It occurs as long, slender to thick prismatic and columnar crystals that are usually triangular in cross-section, often with curved striated faces.

What is tourmaline made of?

Physical Properties of Tourmaline
Chemical Classification Boron silicate
Chemical Composition (Ca,Na,K,[vacancy]) (Li,Mg,Fe+2,Fe+3,Mn+2,Al,Cr+3,V+3)3 (Mg,Al,Fe+3,V+3,Cr+3)6 ((Si,Al,B)6O18) (BO3)3 (OH,O)3 (OH,F,O)
Crystal System Trigonal
Uses A popular gemstone and mineral specimen

How is tourmaline formed?

Tourmaline is produced in pegmatites. These are voids deep under ground that are filled with a rich hot liquid that is rich in different minerals. When the liquids begin to cool, the minerals crystallize and form Tourmaline crystals. The host rock around these pegmatites is generally granite or schits.

Is tourmaline a strong stone?

Tourmaline ranks 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale. Its toughness is considered Fair. Tourmaline is generally stable to light and isn’t affected by exposure to chemicals, but heat can damage a tourmaline. High heat can alter the color, and sudden temperature change (thermal shock) can cause fracturing.

What are the healing properties of tourmaline?

Tourmaline is thought to be for people who bear a broken heart, as it encourages love, gently disperses emotional pain and dissolves disruptive feelings. It calms the negative emotions that upset relationships.

What is the luster of a tourmaline?

VitreousTourmaline / Luster

What is the hardness of tourmaline?

7 – 7.5Tourmaline / Hardness (Mohs hardness scale)

What minerals are found in tourmaline?

Tourmaline is a trigonal crystalline complex boron silicate mineral composed of aluminum, iron, magnesium, lithium, and potassium with chemical formula (Ca,K,Na)(Al,Fe,Li,Mg,Mn)3 (Al,Cr,Fe,V)6(BO3)3(Si,Al,B)6O18(OH,F), and formed during the pneumatolytic process of igneous rock formation.

What is the luster of tourmaline?