What are the 4 types of wild turkeys?
What are the 4 types of wild turkeys?
Each subspecies has their own set of characteristics when it comes to physical appearance and aggressiveness of calling. The six types of wild turkeys are: Eastern wild turkey, Osceola wild turkey, Gould’s wild turkey, Merriam’s wild turkey, Rio Grande wild turkey, and the Ocellated wild turkey.
Are turkey native to Utah?
Turkeys in Utah Two sub-species of wild turkey are found in Utah, the Rio Grande and the Merriam’s wild turkey. The Rio Grande subspecies was introduced into Utah in 1984. It is native to the south-central plains states and northeastern Mexico.
What are the 5 types of turkeys?
The National Wild Turkey Federation website explains that the two species of turkeys are the North American and the ocellated. The North American species has five subspecies, including the Eastern, Florida (Osceola), Rio Grande, Merriam’s and Gould’s.
Where are the most turkeys in Utah?
Higher densities of birds can be found above Mendon, Wellsville, Clarkston, Cove, Richmond, Hyrum, Avon and Paradise. Turkeys can also be found on public lands above Kamas in Slate Creek and Yellow Pine at lower densities. In southeastern Utah, hunters can find Merriam’s turkeys in the La Sal and Abajo mountains.
How do I identify a wild turkey?
Appearance and Identification The eastern wild turkey is most readily identified by its chestnut or chocolate brown-tipped tail feathers. it is the tail feathers that extend into the iconic “fan” display. A second way to identify this subspecies is the wing feathers, which display a bold white and black bar pattern.
Where are Rio turkeys located?
The Rio Grande wild turkeys are concentrated in western desert regions of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and other western states. Mexico also harbors a healthy population.
What elevation do turkeys live at in Utah?
7,000 – 11,000 ft.
Merriam’s turkeys are considered mountain birds, spending their summers in ponderosa forests and up into spruce and fir forests (7,000 – 11,000 ft. in elevation).
How do you identify a Rio Grande turkey?
Rio Grande turkeys have buff tail feather tips that match the plains and shrub areas they inhabit. Merriam’s turkeys, found primarily in snowy mountain areas, have rump feathers and tail feather tips that are nearly white. Individual differences in feather coloration are probably the most reported oddities.
What is the biggest wild turkey breed?
Eastern wild turkey
The Eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallapavo silvestris) is one of the largest of the five subspecies. Adult males, or gobblers, may weigh 20 pounds or more.
What is a bird that looks like a turkey?
Black Grouse The Wild Turkey is a large ground-dwelling bird native to North America, Mexico, Central America, and South America. The plumage of the Black Grouse is mostly black with dark blue tones on the neck and back in comparison to the Wild Turkey being iridescent black or white.
What does a Jake turkey look like?
Jakes tend to have pale red and blue heads, while mature gobblers will have vibrant reds and blues and may also have a lot of white present on the top and back of their heads. The white color can really be a telltale sign while turkey hunting that it is a mature bird.
How can you tell the difference between an eastern turkey and a Rio Grande turkey?
Eastern wild turkeys can be differentiated from Rio Grande wild turkeys by the coloration of the tips of the tail feathers and the upper tail coverts (feathers of the lower back, covering the base of the tail feathers).
Are there wild turkeys in Utah?
Utah Field Guide: Wild turkey. The wild turkey is the largest of Utah’s game birds and is considered by many as the “trophy ” species of upland game. Wild turkeys are not known to have existed in Utah during early white settlement. However, historical evidence suggests that wild turkeys co-existed with Native Americans in Utah.
Is turkey management successful in Utah?
Turkey management has been so successful in southern Utah, that there is even a few tags available to hunt turkeys that are causing agricultural issues because of their large flock size. In 2013, Utah provided wild turkey 9733 tags to hunters.
When is the best time to hunt wild turkey in Utah?
The month of November brings family and friends together to feast for a day and also brings Utah’s hunters together for the fall season Wild Turkey hunt. A common dish on the table this month will be one of our largest and heaviest birds in North America, weighing from 6 -19 pounds, the Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo).
Where do wild turkeys live?
For example, turkeys found in the Southwestern regions are often found in open grassy savannah with small oak trees and in Utah, the Wild Turkeys inhabit ponderosa pine forests, oak tree forests, cottonwood tree bottoms and pinyon/juniper habitats. Turkeys prefer habitats that create “mast-producing” fruit such as acorns and other nuts.