What are some good statistics questions?

Statistics 1000 Survey Questions

  • What Statistics course are you taking now? (
  • What was your math SAT score? (
  • What was your verbal SAT score? (
  • How tall are you, to the nearest inch?
  • What is your shoe size?
  • Circle whether you are MALE or FEMALE.
  • What is your mother’s height?
  • What is your father’s height?

What type of questions can statistics answer?

A statistical question is a question that can be answered by collecting data that vary. For example, “How old am I?” is not a statistical question, but “How old are the students in my school?” is a statistical question.

What are two types of statistical questions?

We use two types of data to answer statistical questions: numerical data and categorical data.

What do you call the question that can be solved by statistic?

A statistical question is one that can be answered by collecting data and where there will be variability in that data.

What are some interesting statistics?

The average person eats almost 1500 pounds of food a year. The human eye blinks an average of 4,200,000 times a year. There are 2,500,000 rivets in the Eiffel Tower. WAL-MART generates $3,000,000.00 in revenues every 7 minutes.

What is not a statistic?

Definition of nonstatistical : not of, relating to, based on, or employing the principles of statistics : not statistical a nonstatistical analysis Any sample where the sample items are not selected according to the laws of chance—that is, by probability sampling—is a nonstatistical sample.—

Do wolves weigh more than dogs?

Do wolves weigh more than dogs is a statistical question too since there are a lot of different dog weights and it is difficult to compare to the mean weight of a wolf since wolves come in different sizes too.

Are statistical laws exact?

Statistical laws are not exact. In fact, the results are true only on averages. Also, they are valid only under a certain set of assumptions. Therefore, the science of statistics is less exact than natural sciences like physics, chemistry, etc.

Is Do you like pizza a statistical question?

Or Do you like pizza? Both of these questions will only have one answer. Questions that can be answered with a yes or no are NOT statistical questions. Questions that can be answered with ONE answer.

What is the O in stats?

f/n = relative frequency. HT = hypothesis test. Ho = null hypothesis. H1 or Ha: alternative hypothesis.