How much is a full body mount for a black bear?

Spring 2022 Pricing

Species Shoulder Mount Life-Size
Black Bear $810 $4,500
Brown/Grizzly Bear $1,300 $8,755
Coyote $560 Shoulder/Pedestal $1,500
Red/Grey Fox $560 Shoulder/Pedestal $1,250

How do you skin a bear for a full body mount?


  1. Start the incision just below the anus cutting towards the head.
  2. Decide how to handle the paws.
  3. Cut the legs.
  4. Starting with the rear paws, begin to remove the skin off the body.
  5. Skin the bear to the back of the head, then begin turning and cutting the ear muscle from the hide.

How much does a 3/4 bear mount cost?

1/2 & 3/4 MOUNTS

Black Bear 1/2 $1,085
Black Bear 3/4 $1,285
Deer (Buck) 1/2 $1,385
Deer (Doe) 1/2 $1,185
Open Mouth (Add) $295

Can I sell my bear mount?

ANSWER: It is legal under California law for you to give the bear mount to your friend, and for your friend to possess it for personal use. However, sale within California is prohibited. According to retired California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Capt.

How much does it cost to stuff a whole bear?

Currently, on our website, we have taxidermy specimens that average a cost of around $4,000+. The Grizzly bear mount cost will depend on the pose you have chosen, the size of the bear, and your specific customization requirements.

How much does a full body mount cost?

These massive animals make great trophies, but getting a full-body mount can cost from $5,700 to $12,500.

How much does it cost to make a bear into a rug?

While other shops have a base price for their bear rugs, Elusive Creature Taxidermy, based in Post Falls, Idaho, charges $205 per foot. Because a good black bear is around six feet tall, you can expect to spend about $1,230 on your black bear taxidermy rug.

How much does a grizzly bear cost?

Black bear is the most affordable species to hunt, with hunts beginning at $1,500. On the other end of the spectrum are the North American brown (grizzly) bears that can cost $15,000 or more.

What can I do with unwanted taxidermy?

Behring Global Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that donates taxidermy to partner museums around the world for educational purposes. Your Tax deductible donations, are saving wildlife, teaching conservation and preserving our future.

Can I sell taxidermy on eBay?

Pelts/Stuffed (taxidermy) animals This is another item that falls into the ‘you can’t sell it on eBay’ category. Many pelts may come from endangered species which aren’t allowed to be bought or sold.