What is Xavier Cugat known for?

What is Xavier Cugat known for? Xavier Cugat (1900-1990), a classically trained violinist who conducted with his bow, was known in his lifetime as the Rumba King. He is credited with pushing Latino music and dance into popularity in America during the first half of the 20th century. Who was Xavier Cugat’s wife? Charom. 1966–1978 […]

What was the corrupt bargain for dummies?

What was the corrupt bargain for dummies? What was the corrupt bargain of 1824? The corrupt bargain occurred when no candidate received enough votes to be elected President in 1824. One candidate made a “corrupt bargain” with another politician to ensure that he was the candidate selected to hold the office. What is the best […]

Is table salt atom or molecule?

Is table salt atom or molecule? sodium A soft, silvery metallic element that will interact explosively when added to water. It is also a basic building block of table salt (a molecule of which consists of one atom of sodium and one atom of chlorine: NaCl). It is also found in sea salt. What molecules […]

What is the horoscope of March 29?

What is the horoscope of March 29? The Aries born on March 29 will have a poetic quality about them. They are able to transcend the ordinary aspects of their personality by drawing upon their intelligence and intuition. What are the lucky days for Leo? Leo Lucky/Unlucky Ruling Planet Sun Unlucky Stones Blue Sapphire Lucky […]

What is aggravated harassment in NYS?

What is aggravated harassment in NYS? With the intent to harass, annoy, threaten or alarm another person, he or she strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise subjects another person. to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same because of. a belief or perception regarding such person’s race, color, national. Is aggravated harassment a […]

What does L-carnosine do for the body?

What does L-carnosine do for the body? It is concentrated in muscles when they are working, and it is also found in the heart, brain, and many other parts of the body. Carnosine is used to prevent aging and for preventing or treating complications of diabetes such as nerve damage, eye disorders (cataracts), and kidney […]

What neurochemical causes ADHD?

What neurochemical causes ADHD? ADHD was the first disorder found to be the result of a deficiency of a specific neurotransmitter — in this case, norepinephrine — and the first disorder found to respond to medications to correct this underlying deficiency. Like all neurotransmitters, norepinephrine is synthesized within the brain. How does ADHD affect the […]

Whats the definition of an automobile?

Whats the definition of an automobile? Definition of automobile (Entry 1 of 2) : a usually four-wheeled automotive vehicle designed for passenger transportation. automobile. What is a sentence for automobile? Use “automobile” in a sentence | “automobile” sentence examples. 1) An automobile moves when the motor is geared to the rear wheels. 2) Henry Ford […]

What part of the nervous system controls the eyes?

What part of the nervous system controls the eyes? Trigeminal Nervous system – peripheral reflex control In birds and mammals, the nerve branches arising from the trigeminal nerve provide the sensory innervation of the eye. More specifically, the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve divides into the lacrimal, frontal and nasociliary nerves. What are the […]

How was luminara unduli executed?

How was luminara unduli executed? A no-nonsense Jedi Master, Luminara fought in Clone Wars battles such as Geonosis and Kashyyyk, and was thought to have perished during Order 66. In reality, she’d been taken into Imperial custody and executed, with holographic transmissions of her captivity used as bait to capture fugitive Jedi. Was luminara Kanans […]

Is it cheaper to build your own 3D printer?

Is it cheaper to build your own 3D printer? It’s definitely much cheaper to build your own 3D printer from scratch when compared to purchasing an assembled 3D printer or a DIY 3D printer kit. Purchasing 3D printer parts as briefly described above aren’t very expensive. Is it worth it to build a 3D printer? […]

Will a rose bush thrive in a pot?

Will a rose bush thrive in a pot? Most roses grow well in containers as long as root space is sufficient and care is appropriate. Containers of at least 2 to 2.5 feet in depth and at least 15 to 20 inches in diameter are recommended for full-sized rose varieties, and generally the deeper the […]