Are seeds Whole30 compliant?
Are seeds Whole30 compliant?
6. Nuts and seeds. All nuts and seeds are okay, with one exception: peanuts, because they are a legume.
Are bananas Whole30 compliant?
Yes, both pickles and bananas are allowed on Whole30. Yet if they are a potential trigger food for you (for instance, the sweetness of bananas sets off a craving for other treats or makes you want to binge on the fruit), then you may consider including them on your “don’t eat” list.
Is coconut milk Whole30 compliant?
What is the official rule when it comes to Whole30 Approved Coconut Milk? As long as the ingredients in your coconut milk are compliant, then that coconut milk is Whole30 compliant.
Can you eat overnight oats on Whole30?
Oatmeal, unfortunately, is a no-go when you’re following the Whole30 program.
Can you eat quinoa on Whole30?
Quinoa: No While it might not technically be considered a grain, it contains properties that could be similarly problematic to your body, which makes it off-limits for your Whole30. The same guideline applies to buckwheat, amaranth, and other gluten-free grain substitutes.
What happens if you mess up on Whole30?
Which brings us back to the question at hand: If you eat something off-plan during your Whole30, do you really have to start over? It’s clear right in the Whole30 program rules: No slips, no cheats, no special occasions. The program requires 30 straight days of 100% compliance, otherwise, it’s back to Day 1 for you.
Is popcorn Whole30 compliant?
Can you eat popcorn on Whole30? No — popcorn is made from a whole grain (dried corn), and grains are eliminated on the Whole30 diet.
Are pickles allowed on Whole30?
Yes, you sure can! In essence, pickles are simply composed of cucumber and vinegar. Cucumbers are a veggie and vinegar is all good on Whole30 (well – most forms of vinegar are anyway). It’s not too hard to find compliant pickles for Whole30.
Is quinoa Whole30 compliant?
Can I eat apples on Whole30?
Basically all fruits and veggies are acceptable on Whole30, so your favorite apples, bananas, berries, and the like are fair game. The same can’t be said for your green breakfast smoothie, however.
Can you eat avocado on Whole30?
Other natural plant-based oils (like coconut and avocado) and animal fats are all Whole30-approved. You can also eat nuts (except peanuts, more on that later).