How do I know if I am pitta or vata?

Here are some of the main characteristics for each dosha to help you determine which type matches you best:

  1. Pitta (fire + water). Intelligent, hard-working, and decisive.
  2. Vata (air + space). Creative, energetic, and lively.
  3. Kapha (earth + water). Naturally calm, grounded, and loyal.

Can you be vata and pitta?

We speak of a Vata-Pitta Ayurveda type when both the Vata and Pitta Dosha (life forces) are present in a person in approximately equal strength. The combination of the two Doshas requires combining various health tips.

What is vata pitta body type?

The Qualitative Nature of the Doshas

Dosha Qualities
Vata Dry, Light, Cold, Rough, Subtle, Mobile, Clear
Pitta Hot, Sharp, Light, Liquid, Spreading, Oily
Kapha Heavy, Slow, Cool, Oily, Smooth, Dense, Soft, Stable, Gross, Cloudy (Sticky)

How do I know if I have pitta dosha?

An overview of Pitta Dosha:

  1. Excess generation of heat in the body.
  2. Acid reflux, gas, indigestion.
  3. Inflammation of the joints.
  4. Nausea, diarrhea or constipation.
  5. Anger & irritability.
  6. Bad breath.
  7. Body odor.
  8. Excessive sweating.

How do I know my body type in Ayurveda?

The ancient Indian science of healing ‘Ayurveda’ defines your body into three types – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The body type of a person depends on their physical and emotional attributes. To get the maximum benefit from the daily diet you consume or treatment you take when ill you must know your body type.

How do you find out which dosha you are?

Add up your responses to determine your dominant constitution. Your (A) responses correspond to Vata, (B) to Pitta, and (C) to Kapha. The characteristic that received the highest number of responses is the most predominant force in your overall constitution.

How do you fix vata pitta imbalance?

Below are 3 tips to bring Vata people or Vata imbalances back into balance.

  1. Stay Warm and Calm. Making sure you have a warm, cozy place to curl up and relax will do wonders for your vata.
  2. Meditation and Activity.
  3. Proper Nutrition.
  4. Stay Cool and Calm.
  5. Stay Warm, Dry, and Active.
  6. Meditate and Stay Active.

How do I get rid of vata pitta?

Herbs to Reduce Pitta

  1. Amla or Amalaki is one of the best Pitta home remedies.
  2. Neem is a potent herb that helps to control Pitta.
  3. Triphala capsules are made from three fruits and are helpful in pacifying Pitta Dosha.
  4. Ghee prepared from cow’s milk is an excellent home remedy to reduce Pitta and body heat.

What are the symptoms of Vata imbalance?

Signs of a Vata imbalance include:

  • Dryness of skin, hair, ears, lips, joints.
  • Dryness internally – bloat, gas, constipation, dehydration, weight loss.
  • Dry and lightness of the mind – restlessness, dizziness, feeling ungrounded.
  • Cold: poor circulation, muscle spasm or constriction, asthma, pain and aches, tightness.

What are the symptoms of vata imbalance?

What are vata diseases?

Vata people are very susceptible to gas, lower back pain, arthritis, sciatica, paralysis and nerve pain. 2. Vata diseases have their origin in the large intestine; pitta diseases in the small intestine; and kapha disorders in the stomach. Imbalanced humors or Tridoshas in these areas create certain signs and symptoms.

Can vata be overweight?

Vata types are usually slender and wiry, but they can also experience weight gain due to an imbalance in their dosha. All doshas have the capacity for creating ama, or digestive toxins, due to an imbalance.