Are Georgian wines good?

Viticulture in Georgia today Georgia ranks 2nd (in terms of volume) in grape production in the former Soviet Union behind Moldova, and Georgian wines have always been the most highly prized and sought after in the Soviet space.

What is Georgian wine called?

In a classic instance of the tail wagging the dog, Georgia is known by many people for kvevri wines, which are fermented (and sometimes aged) in clay vessels—its namesake kvevri—that are often buried underground.

Why is Georgian wine different?

Georgia’s hallmark is white wines that stay in contact with their skins, stalks and pips for months and further ferment in huge clay amphorae (qvevri) buried in the ground. It’s a trend that’s caught on elsewhere in the world, but its deep roots lie in Georgian culture.

Why is Georgian wine Amber?

In Georgia, the seeds, the skin and sometimes the stems are used. It is the polyphenols (molecule that forms in the plants from sugar) contained in the skin that gives to the wine this beautiful colour that intrigues. It may range from a dark yellow to a blood orange colour.

Is Georgian wine Old world?

When it comes to the old-old world, Georgia is king, both in terms of age and trendiness. Research published in late 2017 dates wine production in Georgia’s Gadachrili Gora site back to around 6000 BC – the earliest known evidence of winemaking of any sort.

Where is Georgian wine made?

The best places to explore Georgian wine culture The main wine areas of the country are Kakheti, and its Telaviand Kvareli regions, Kartli, Imereti, Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti, and Adjara.

Do you drink amber wine cold?

How should I serve it and how long will a bottle last once it’s opened? Serve orange or amber wines chilled to 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit; if they are too cold you’ll mask the flavors and mouth feel. Once opened, they will keep a bit longer than a white wine because of their tannins.

How do you serve Georgian orange wine?

Amber wines should be served slightly chilled (cool, not cold) and, as with any good red, you may want to decant and allow it to breathe.

What is Saperavi wine?

Saperavi Wine Saperavi is a dark-skinned, pink-fleshed grape variety originally from the Georgian Republic. Being the Georgian-language word for “dye”, saperavi is a particularly appropriate name for this teinturier variety.