What is the difference between API 598 and API 6D?

34 and API 598 are basic specifications for general purpose valves. API 6D provides more detailed requirements for the inspection and testing of pipeline valves, which are more demanding than ASME B16. 34 and API 598, such as longer pressure duration, more test items, and more complex operating procedures.

What does API 600 mean?

API Standard 600, from the American Petroleum Institute, describes the criteria for valve design/construction and the material/trim designations for steel gate valves. The most recent version of this standard was published in January 2015, effective as of July 15, 2015.

What is the difference between API 6A and API 6D?

API 6D and API 6A are both standards used for Valves in the oil and gas industry. API 6D is standard or specification for valves in any pipeline, including rigs, platforms, skids and production plants. API 6A is standard or specification for valves used in wellhead and Christmas tree equipment.

What is the difference between API 600 and API 602?

API 600 requires a heavier wall for a given pressure rating than does ASME B16. 34. API 602 also requires a heavier wall for 150#, 300# & 600# classes than does B16. 34.

What is API 6D testing?

API 6D specifies the requirements and provides recommendations for the design, manufacturing, testing and documentation of below valve types for application in Pipe Line systems meeting the requirements of petroleum and natural gas industry for pressure ratings less than PN 420.

What is API 6D Check valve?

API 6D Swing Check valves are Full Port Swing Check Valves, they are primarily used in oil and gas pipelines to prevent backflow. Swing Check valves are primarily used in oil and gas pipelines to prevent backflow.

What is the difference between API 600 and 602?

What is the difference between PSL 2 and PSL 3?

PSL-3 Equipment meets all the requirements of API Spec 6A PSL-2 and: Restricts the tolerance of material chemistry. Increases the maximum size of the material qualification test coupon in relation to the section thickness of the equipment components. CVN testing for all service temperatures.

What is API 598 standard?

API 598 covers the inspection, examination, and testing requirements for resilient-seated, nonmetallic-seated, and metal-to-metal-seated gate, glove, plug, ball, check, and butterfly valves.

Is API 600 A full port?

The Api 600 gives the range of flow pass, this is between reduced to full port.