How many km is Shivanasamudra?
How many km is Shivanasamudra?
Distance Between Bengaluru to Shivanasamudra
Distance between Bengaluru to Shivanasamudra by Road is | 133 Kms |
Travel Time from Bengaluru to Shivanasamudra by Road is | 2:46 hrs |
Nearest Airport in Bengaluru | Kempegowda International Airport (12.97, 77.59) |
Nearest Airport in Shivanasamudra | Mandakalli airport (12.3, 77.18) |
How many km is banashankari?
Distance from Banashankari to Chamarajpet is 3.1 km and takes around 10 min. Distance from Banashankari to HBR Layout, Bangalore is 13.2 km and takes around 52 min….Banashankari Distance Bus Route Map.
Route | Bus Number |
Banashankari to Nagarbhavi | 501, 410 |
Banashankari to Rajarajeshwari Gate | 374, 373, 501 |
How many km is attibele?
Origin | Bangalore Majestic, Karnataka, India |
Destination | Attibele, Karnataka, India |
Driving Distance | 35 kms or 21.7 miles or 18.9 nautical miles |
Driving Time | 42 minutes |
How many km is chintamani from Bangalore?
Chintamani is located around 84 kms KM away from Bangalore so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach Chintamani in 1 hours, 40 minutes. Actual travel time you spend travelling to Chintamani may vary based on your speed of your bus, car or train.
Can we go to Shivanasamudra falls now?
Timing: Shivanasamudra waterfalls can be visited between 8 AM and 5 PM on all days. Nearby: Talakadu (28 kms), BR Hills (53 kms) and Bheemeshwari (55 kms) can be visited along with ShivanasÄ…mudra. Visit: Shivanasamudra is 133 kms from Bengaluru and 78 kms from Mysuru.
Can we play in Shivanasamudra Falls?
Can we play in Shivanasamudra falls? Currently water is there in Shivansamudra falls? You can play there, access is only allowed from far.
Can we go Shivanasamudra falls now?
Timings Of Shivanasamudra Falls The timings for Shivanasamudra falls are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. However, it is advised to visit the falls during the daytime.
Can we go to Shivanasamudra now?
Please do not visit now.
Who built Shivanasamudra?
Sir K. Seshadri Iyer
This station was commissioned by the Diwan of Mysore, Sir K. Seshadri Iyer. The power generated here was initially used in Kolar Gold Fields. One can visit the power station by obtaining special permission through Karnataka Power Corporation.