What type of capsid does HIV have?

The genome of HIV, which is composed of two strands of RNA, is packaged inside a distinctive cone-shaped capsid, which protects the RNA and delivers it to the cells that HIV infects.

Is HIV capsid helical or icosahedral?

HIV-1 is an enveloped icosahedral retrovirus, belonging to the Lentivirus subgroup of Retroviridae family. Its genome is constituted by two identical copies of non-complementary positive single-stranded RNA, enclosed by a capsid composed of several copies of the viral protein p24.

Does HIV have a helical capsid?

The HIV capsid conforms to the mathematical principles of a fullerene shell, in which the CA sub-units form about 250 CA hexamers arrayed on a variably curved hexagonal lattice, which is closed by incorporation of exactly 12 pentamers, seven pentamers at the wide end and five at the narrow end of the cone.

Does Ebola have a helical capsid?

Like many viruses, Ebola has a helical capsid (Noda 2010). What sets Ebola apart from most viruses is that its nucleocapsid changes into many different shapes, from circular filaments to long, branched filaments as seen in Figure 1 (Noda 2010).

Does tobacco mosaic virus have a helical capsid?

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV; Tobamovirus, Virgaviridae) is a rodlike virus with a length of 300 nm and diameter of 18 nm. TMV capsids are composed of 2130 identical protein subunits, which assemble around the viral ssRNA to form a helical structure, with a hollow central cavity of 4 nm diameter.

What is the shape of poliovirus?

The poliovirus capsid contains 60 copies each of the four viral polypeptides VP1, VP2, VP3, and VP4. The arrangement of proteins in the capsid creates icosahedral symmetry. The virion surface is covered with star-shaped mesas at its fivefold axes surrounded by deep canyons and three-bladed propellers.

What are virus capsids made of?

(A) Virus capsids are composed of viral protein subunits that form structural units.

What is a icosahedral capsid?

Many virions are spheroidal—actually icosahedral—the capsid having 20 triangular faces, with regularly arranged units called capsomeres, two to five or more along each side; and the nucleic acid is densely coiled within.

Which virus exhibits helical symmetry?

Animal viruses that have rod-shaped (helical) nucleocapsids are those enclosed in an envelope; these viruses are found in the families Paramyxoviridae, Orthomyxoviridae, Coronaviridae, and Rhabdoviridae.

What is an example of a helical virus?

In contrast, all helical animal viruses are enveloped. These include well-known viruses such as influenza virus, measles virus, mumps virus, rabies virus, and Ebola virus (Fig. 2.5 ).