How much does a hairless rat cost?

about $25 to $100
Getting a Hairless Rat Hairless rats generally sell for about $25 to $100. They can be found through pet stores that sell small animals, as well as through specialty rat fancy breeders.

What is a hairless rat called?

Hairless rats are exactly like their furred siblings, save the fact that they happen to have little to no hair. Also known as nude or Sphinx rats, these wrinkly naked rodents are more accepted in the United States than Europe as a rat variety.

How long do hairless Dumbo rats live?

Hairless rats are not just missing their hair, they are also missing their thymus gland. A gland integral to the development of the immune system. So, in short, how long is a hairless rat lifespan? Hairless rats tend to have a shorter life span than the average fancy rat, of about 6 to 12 months.

Can you give hairless rats a bath?

Hairless rats are prone to dry skin, so whilst occasional baths are a good idea, be careful not to over-bathe them. Use a mild moisturizing shampoo, such as a pet shampoo containing oatmeal, and dry the pet well afterward.

How big does a dumbo rat get?

Quick Facts about Dumbo Rat

Species Name: Rattus norvegicus domestica
Lifespan: 2-3 years
Size: 15-22 inches long, 1.5 pounds
Diet: Rat pellets, fruits, vegetables, lean meat, beans
Minimum Tank Size: 24” x 12” x 12”

Should you bathe a hairless rat?

In general your hairless rat won’t need bathing more than a few times a year. However, hairless rats are prone to developing sebaceous cysts, and if your rodent buddy is one who experiences them frequently, biweekly baths with antibacterial soap can help clear them up and reduce the chances of more developing.

Do you have to oil hairless rats?

Hairless rats require more care than rats that have fur, but lotion isn’t advised for either kind. Lotion can actually be dangerous to your pet’s health. But in your pantry is likely a natural skin moisturizer suited to keeping your hairless rat’s skin soft and smooth.

How much does a dumbo rat cost?

between $10 and $20
Getting a Dumbo Rat The average price for a dumbo rat is between $10 and $20, though some coat collars and patterns may go for a bit more. You can look for breeders through the Rat Fan Club and the American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association websites. You can also look for them in rescue as many shelters take in rats.

Can I put lotion on my hairless rat?

Hairless rats require more care than rats that have fur, but lotion isn’t advised for either kind. Lotion can actually be dangerous to your pet’s health.

How do you take care of a dumbo rat?

It’s fairly easy to keep a dumbo rat healthy, as doing so mainly involves feeding them a healthy diet and keeping their cage clean. They don’t have many needs beyond that, and there’s little need to take them in for veterinary care.