Which is the last count of synchronous counter IC 74163?
Which is the last count of synchronous counter IC 74163?
This synchronous clear allows the count length to be modified easily as decoding the maximum count desired can be accomplished with one external NAND gate. The gate output is connected to the clear input to synchronously clear the counter to 0000 (LLLL). is used in cascading multiple 74163 ICs.
What is 74ls163?
Description. BCD DECADE COUNTERS / 4-BIT BINARY COUNTERS. Feature. BCD DECADE COUNTERS/ 4-BIT BINARY COUNTE RS The LS160A / 161A / 162A / 163A are high-speed 4-bit synchronous counters.
What is IC 74163?
The IC74163 is a completely programmable binary counter due to its four preset inputs, which allow it to begin counting with any loaded input by sending a low signal to the load pin. For cascading counters with n-bit synchronous counting, a ripple-carry (RC) output terminal is provided. IC 74163, 74193 74161, etc.
What is a 4-bit counter?
4-bit Synchronous Counter Waveform Timing Diagram Because this 4-bit synchronous counter counts sequentially on every clock pulse the resulting outputs count upwards from 0 ( 0000 ) to 15 ( 1111 ). Therefore, this type of counter is also known as a 4-bit Synchronous Up Counter.
What is the difference between a synchronous load input 74LS163 and an asynchronous load input 74LS193?
What is the difference between a synchronous load input (i.e., 74LS163) and an asynchronous load input (i.e., 74LS193)? Using a 74LS193 is preferable over the 74LS163 because it has the ability to count both up and down.
What is a mod 11 counter?
A synchronous counter is one which has the same clock input for all its flip flops. A MOD 11 synchronous counter counts from 0000 to 1010. Hence it will require four T flip flops. Synchronous counters are designed by using excitation table to determine the combinational logic of inputs to each flip flop.
What is a mod 5 counter?
A MOD-5 counter would produce a 3-bit binary count sequence from 0 to 4, as 000 is a valid count state, giving us a binary count sequency of: 000, 001, 010, 011, 100.
What are the advantages of implementing a synchronous counter with the 74LS163 integrated circuit?
What are the advantages of implementing a synchronous counter with the 74LS163 integrated circuit versus using discrete flip-flops and gates? Using the MSI 74LS163 is preferable over flip-flops and gates because it uses less gates and wires thus maximizing efficiency.
What are the advantages of implementing a synchronous counter?
What are the advantages of implementing a synchronous counter with 74LS193 IC over the 74LS163 IC? The biggest advantage of the 74LS193 is that it has the ability to count both up and down unlike the 74LS163 that can only count up. The 74LS193 is obviously the best choice cause its flexibility.
What is a mod-8 counter?
The modulus of a counter is given as: 2n where n = number of flip-flops. So a 3 flip-flop counter will have a maximum count of 23 = 8 counting states and would be called a MOD-8 counter. The maximum binary number that can be counted by the counter is 2nā1 giving a maximum count of (111)2 = 23ā1 = 710.