Where do I take the time-Lost Proto Drake?

The Basics

  • Time-Lost Proto-Drake can be found in The Storm Peaks, Northrend.
  • When killed, it has a 100% chance to drop:
  • You cannot loot the mount on a Class Trial character.
  • Time-Lost Proto-Drake has a spawn timer of approximately 2-8 hours, and shares this timer with Vyragosa, who spawns far more often.

Can you still get time-Lost Proto Drake?

The only spawn time-related information one can count on is that after Vyragosa or Time-Lost Proto-Drake are killed, neither will spawn for 6 hours. Spawns can be anywhere from 6-22+ hours after a kill. This all depends on how fast rares are being killed across Northrend.

Whats the chance of TLPD spawning?

Some people have stated that TLPD has a 1/6 chance to spawn and some say the chance is about 1/30 or so.. Since I only have 13 kills tracked, it’s not enough to confirm anything. But out of our 13 spawns, 2 of them were TLPDs.

What does TLPD stand for?


Acronym Definition
TLPD Thousand Litres Per Day
TLPD Talk Like A Pirate Day
TLPD Time-Lost Proto Drake (gaming, World of Warcraft)
TLPD Team Liquid Progaming Database

Is there an addon for rare spawn timers?

RareTrackerMaw (RTMW) is an addon that allows users to track and share rare spawn timers in the Maw. The addon takes inspiration from the RareCoordinator addon authored by elvador, which is an addon that has served a similar purpose on the Timeless Isle.

What is the easiest way to get a proto drake mount?

Wowhead puts the mount at a 5% drops chance from the Egg, and a 0.3% chance from the Satchel. This mount is a reward for completing Glory of the Hero, which requires you to complete all of those achievements in Heroic difficulty dungeons, this is easily done by anyone over level 80.