What is a PPM policy?
What is a PPM policy?
PPMs. Policy/Program Memorandums (PPM) are numbered policy directives are issued to district school boards and school authorities to outline the Ministry of Education’s expectations regarding the implementation of ministry policies and programs.
What is the law that legislates what type of food can be served in Ontario schools?
Food and beverages must be prepared, served and stored in accordance with Regulation 562, “Food Premises”, as amended, made under the Health Protection and Promotion Act. School boards must ensure that students have access to drinking water during the school day.
Do Canadian schools offer lunch?
To date, Canada is the only G7 country without a national school meal program. In 2017, UNICEF ranked Canada 37th out of 41 wealthy countries for kids’ access to nutritious food.
Do Ontario schools provide lunch?
The Student Nutrition Program offers school-age children and youth nutritious food through breakfast, lunch, and snack programs. The goal of the program is to support learning and healthy development.
What does ppm stand for in education?
Read the Ministry of Education’s direction and expectations for district school boards and school authorities. Direction is issued as policy documents called Policy and Program Memoranda ( PPM ), which are all given a specific number.
What is the Ontario Safe Schools Act?
One month later, the Minister introduced the Safe Schools Act, which proposed amending the Education Act to give force to the Code of Conduct and provide principals and teachers with more authority to suspend and expel students. The Act was passed by the legislature in June 2000 and came into effect in September 2001.
What foods can you not bring to school?
Avoid whatever the school doesn’t allow, which might include peanut butter and nut products, candy, gummy/fruit snacks, soda, juice, and chips.
Does Canada have a national school food program?
Canada is the only G7 country without a national school food program, ranking 37th out of the world’s 41 wealthiest countries when it comes to feeding schoolchildren, according to a 2017 UNICEF study.
Why doesn’t Canada have a lunch program?
The last time the federal government seriously discussed implementing a national school food program was during the Second World War when the government rejected a school lunch program. Instead, Canada decided to provide a family allowance designed to ensure families had enough income to buy food for their children.
What does ppm stand for in health and safety?
PPM stands for Planned Preventive Maintenance, more commonly referred to as simply planned maintenance or scheduled maintenance. It is a proactive approach to maintenance in which maintenance work is scheduled to take place regularly and consequently documented once it has taken place.
What is a Section 23 classroom in Ontario?
A Section 23 placement (Day Treatment) provides an educational program and mental health services for students whose circumstances or needs prevent them from being successful within their community school.