What should I ask at my 20-week appointment?

Four Questions to Ask at the 20-Week Ultrasound

  • Are the baby’s organs growing normally? From the scan, the sonographer will examine the following about your baby’s growth:
  • Is the placenta still healthy?
  • Are there any signs of down syndrome?
  • Should I worry if anything abnormal shows in the ultrasound?

How do I prepare for my 20-week anatomy scan?

How do I prepare for an 18-20 week screening pregnancy ultrasound? There is very little preparation needed. You should have some fluid in the bladder, but not be uncomfortably full. This is to ensure that the inside of the abdominal area is seen clearly on the ultrasound images.

What happens at a 20-week pregnancy appointment?

What is the sonographer looking for at the 20-week ultrasound? This scan involves taking ultrasound images and measurements of the baby’s face, brain, spine, heart, kidneys, diaphragm, chest, stomach, bladder, genitals, limbs, feet and hands, as well as the umbilical cord.

Should I be worried about my 20-week scan?

But don’t worry, this screening test is completely routine, and is nothing to be worried about, the appointment is mainly about confirming everything spotted in your 12-week scan – so the number of babies you’re carrying and a heartbeat – as well as seeing how your little one’s developing.

Should I Worry About 20-week scan?

There are no known risks to your baby or the mother from having an ultrasound scan but it is important that you consider carefully whether or not to have the 20-week scan. The scan can provide information that may mean you have to make further, important decisions.

Do they do a pelvic exam at 20 weeks?

You will not have a vaginal exam done every visit. If you do, inquire as to the reason, because this is not generally necessary. There are a few other routine tests that are done at specific points in your prenatal care: Anatomy ultrasound (around 20 weeks)

Do I need full bladder for 20-week scan?

You won t need to have a full bladder for this ultrasound, unlike the 12 week one. But the sonographer may request you don t wee for 30 minutes or so before your procedure as some urine in your bladder will help with visualising the baby.

Can Down syndrome be picked up at 20-week scan?

Diagnosing Down syndrome It is necessary to look at fetal cells through a microscope to diagnose a chromosomal abnormality. Therefore, chromosomal lesions such as Down syndrome cannot be diagnosed with ultrasound. Some 40% of Down syndrome fetuses will appear normal on the 19-20 week scan.