How long is OCS Training Philippines?

The one-year course prepares an officer candidate (OC) with a rank of Probationary Second Lieutenant and Probationary Ensign to be mentally, physically and emotionally fit to earn a commission as an officer in the Philippine Army, the Philippine Constabulary (now defunct), the Philippine Air Force, the Philippine Navy.

What rank do you graduate OCS?

OCS is a 17-week-long program, the longest of the 5 military services. Graduates are commissioned in the rank of ensign (ENS) in the U.S. Coast Guard and may report to Coast Guard cutters, sectors, or directly to flight training.

What are the ranks of AFP?

Officer ranks

Ground forces ranks Filipino Name Spanish Name
Lieutenant General Tenyente Heneral Teniente General
Major General Magat Heneral General de Division
Brigadier General Brigadyer Heneral General de Brigada
Colonel Lakan Coronel

How long is PH Army training?

Sec. 30 shall undergo a basic military training for a period of not more than six (6) months.

What happens after Officer Candidate School?

After OCS, a newly commissioned officer will attend Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC). This is a three-phase training program designed to provide initial military training for junior commissioned and warrant officers in both active and reserve components.

What is the lowest AFP rank?

The grades of enlisted personnel, from lowest to highest, shall be: Private (E-l), Private First Class (E-2), Corporal (E-3), Sergeant (E-7), Senior Master Sergeant (E-8) and Chief Master Sergeant (E-9) or their equivalent in the Philippine Navy and Philippine Air Force.

What is the lowest rank of AFP military?

For enlisted personnel, from lowest to highest, are: (1) Private; (2) Private First Class; (3) Corporal; (4) Sergeant; (5) Staff Sergeant; (6) Technical Sergeant; (7) Master Sergeant; (8) Senior Master Sergeant; (9) Chief Master Sergeant; and (10) First Chief Master Sergeant or their equivalent in the Philippine Navy …

How much do soldiers get paid in Philippines?

Soldier Salaries

Job Title Salary
AFP Soldier salaries – 4 salaries reported ₱19,976/mo
Armed Forces of the Philippines Soldier salaries – 1 salaries reported ₱21,000/mo
ConvertBetter Soldier salaries – 1 salaries reported ₱100/hr
Philippine Army Infantry Soldier salaries – 1 salaries reported ₱30,000/mo

Is cellphone allowed in PMA?

Fourth class cadets are absolutely not allowed to have cell phones. Even upper class cadets who enjoy this privilege are still bounded by regulations and may use them only during authorized periods.