What is a program objective memorandum?
What is a program objective memorandum?
The final product of the programming process within DoD, a Component’s POM displays the resource allocation decisions of the military department in response to, and in accordance with the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG).
What is POM policy?
A Program Objective Memorandum (POM) is a recommendation from the Services and Defense Agencies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) concerning how they plan to allocate resources (funding) for a program(s) to meet the Service Program Guidance (SPG) and Defense Planning Guidance (DPG).
What is the POM process in the military?
The Program Objective Memorandum (POM) is part of the Programming Phase of the Program, Planning, Budget, and Execution (PPBE) process. The POM describes how the Services and Defense agencies want to allot future funding for a program so that it meets Service Program Guidance (SPG) and Defense Planning Guidance (DPG).
What is a program decision memorandum?
The Program Decision Memorandum formally documents the directives from the Deputy and Secretary of Defense to the Defense Components on issues raised during POM review. The issuance of the Program Decision Memorandum to DoD Components, the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and OMB completes the Programming process.
How long is the POM cycle?
The programming phase generates a Program Objective Memorandum (POM), a funding plan for each DOD component covering a five-year period that adjusts programs in the FYDP.
What happens during the programming phase?
The Programming Phase is the process for balancing and integrating resources among the various programs according to certain priorities.
What does Fydp stand for?
The Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) is a projection of the forces, resources, and programs to support Department of Defense (DOD) operations.
Which provides guidance for the development of the program Objective Memorandum of the PPBE programing phase?
The DPG provides guidance in the form of goals, priorities, and objectives, including fiscal constraints, for the development of each Military Departments Program Objective Memorandum (POM) and Budget Estimate Submissions (BES).
What is the main purpose of the PPBE programming phase?
The Programming Phase of the PPBE process defines and analyzes alternative force structures, weapon systems, and support systems together with their multi-year resource implications and the evaluation of various tradeoff options.