What is another word for civil service?

•Other relevant words: (noun) officialdom, public service, government officials, bureaucracy.

What is another word for non participation?

What is another word for nonparticipation?

refraining abstaining
eschewal forbearance
abstinence desisting
withholding declining
keeping forbearing

What is another way to say public service?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for public-service, like: public-life, community-service, benevolences, good works, philanthropies, civil-service, psb, public-sector, broadcasting, works and government employment.

What is civilian antonym?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for civilian. martial, military, service.

What do we call a person who is civil?

Civil has several meanings. The simplest is cultured and polite, as in someone who is civilized. Civil can also describe things related to a community of people and their government, or a civilization. If you work for the post office, you’re a civil servant.

What are some examples of civil service?

Law enforcement, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Secret Service; United States Postal Office mail handlers; the Internal Revenue Service; certain secretarial and clerical jobs; fire departments; bureau of motor vehicles; and health and human resources are all examples of civil service jobs.

What is non participative?

Definition of nonparticipating : not taking part in something : not participating … students who participated … had greater academic gains and better attendance than their nonparticipating peers …—

What does no participation mean?

Definition of nonparticipation : an absence or lack of participation nonparticipation in the voting process … none of that justifies inaction and nonparticipation.—

What is the synonym of serving?

availing, benefiting. (also benefitting), helping, profiting.

What do you mean by public services?

Definition of public service 1 : the business of supplying a commodity (such as electricity or gas) or service (such as transportation) to any or all members of a community. 2 : a service rendered in the public interest. 3 : governmental employment especially : civil service.

What are synonyms for civilian?


  • private.
  • noncombatant.
  • pacificist.
  • noncombative.
  • nonmilitant.
  • not in armed forces.
  • unhostile.

What is non combatant?

Definition of noncombatant : one that does not engage in combat: such as. a : a member (such as a chaplain) of the armed forces whose duties do not include fighting. b : civilian.