Can you bait deer on your own property in Pennsylvania?

While the use of bait while hunting is prohibited broadly in Pennsylvania, it is allowed conditionally on private property within the Southeast Special Regulations Area, where traditional hunting and deer-control methods have proven ineffective.

Is it legal to bait deer in Pennsylvania?

Putting out food for deer as bait during hunting season has never been allowed in Pennsylvania, except in the Southeast Special Regulations Area. Baiting there has been allowed the past several years as a way to help urban/suburban hunters draw deer out of areas they can’t access in order to harvest them.

Are food plots considered baiting in PA?

As long as a food plot is left in a natural condition, they are not considered baiting in Pennsylvania. Food plots (or fruit trees) are considered a normal habitat improvement and are legal as long as they are planted and left standing in a natural condition and not manipulated.

Can you feed deer corn in PA?

And now those measures include bans on feeding deer and using deer attractants for hunting. Both are wildly popular practices across Pennsylvania. Hunters and nonhunters alike put out corn and other feed for deer outside hunting seasons, especially in winter.

Can I feed deer in my yard in Pennsylvania?

Feeding deer, elk and black bears is illegal in Pennsylvania, and the food provided by well-meaning people can be very detrimental to certain wildlife.

Is it legal to put out salt blocks for deer?

Again, it is illegal to use salt/mineral blocks to attract deer for the purpose of hunting. Even after this product has dissolved into the soil, that location is still considered “baited,” as deer will still be attracted to that area to consume the product that has leeched into the soil.

Is a salt block considered baiting in PA?

What is Baiting? Under Pennsylvania law, it generally is unlawful to hunt in or around any area where artificial or natural bait, hay, grain, fruit, nut, salt, chemical, mineral or other food – including their residues – are used or have been used within the past 30 days as an enticement to lure game or wildlife.

Is feeding deer in Pennsylvania illegal?

BUD COLE/SPECIAL PHOTO Feeding whitetail deer is illegal in Pennsylvania and it is usually detrimental to their health even during the harshest days of winter.

Can PA Game Commission come on private property?

Pennsylvania law authorizes Commission officers to go “upon any land or water outside of buildings, except curtilage, posted or otherwise, in the performance of the officer’s duties.” This broad sweeping rule however does not permit a Commission officer to come into or near your house, your shed, or your yard near your …

Can you hunt on unposted land in PA?

Contrary to the belief of some, hunting on private property without permission is trespassing – even if the property is unoccupied, and not posted or fenced. In Pennsylvania, you may not hunt private property without the permission of the landowner.